Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2016-2017

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Welcome to the Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2016-2017 research positions page. This page collects information about the academic mathematics job market: positions, short lists, offers, acceptances, etc. It lists positions at PhD-granting departments (including stat and applied math), and at departments that are research-oriented by other reasonable criteria. See the teaching positions page for more teaching-oriented academic math jobs.

To post news or corrections anonymously, please edit this wiki page yourself by clicking "edit" at an appropriate place. It is better to first register, but you can edit by IP number as well. You can contact the moderators through to report evil postings, (e.g. inaccurate information about yourself or other applicants), and other issues. We are interested in information provided in good faith. Do not post wild hunches, and please respect the trust of your friends and colleagues.

Have you accepted a position? If so, it's a great courtesy to other job applicants to post that information here.

This site is currently supported by Matthias Koeppe, Greg Kuperberg, and Tao Mei. Tao reads the e-mail and he will keep the correspondence confidential as appropriate. Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that any information listed here is accurate; no warranty is expressed or implied. UC Davis and the UC Davis Math Department do not endorse this project and disavow any responsibility for the information on this wiki.


[edit] Key

Departments   (a) applied (b) biomath/biostat (c) computational
(o) optimization/OR (p) physics/QCQI (s) statistics
* MathJobs position
Positions (p) merely preferred (t) tenured position (u) tenure-track
(o) open rank (n) n positions
Apply by (∞) open indefinitely (*) created position
Names italic offer bold accepted strike withdrawn/declined
... and others search completed

"Apply by" can mean a strict deadline, or full consideration, or something else. Expired deadlines may be replaced by the last deadline listed. See the ads for details.

Note that the links should be directed to the job announcements rather than the department homepage.

[edit] United States

[edit] Long-term positions

[edit] A-K

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Arizona St U TT 11/15/2016 (pure math) offer out
Baylor U TT/ 12/01/2016 filled
full prof. 12/15/2016 offer out
Binghamton U Anal. TT 11/07/2016 Le Chen,...
Alge. TT 2016/10/18 Florian Sprung, Hung P. Tong-Viet
Top TT 2016/11/07 Steven Frankel, Cary Malkiewich, Jenya Sapir
Boston C TT 11/01/2016 Kathryn Lindsey, Keerthi Madapusi Pera
Case Western Reserve U TT 01/15/2017 skype interviews
Clemson TT 11/01/2016 Jessica Lin
CMU prob. TT 11/10/2016
Duke TT 11/01/2016 Adam Levine
Florida St TT 2016/11/15 Benjamin Jaye, Galyna Livshyts
Biomath TT 2016/11/15 Chad Giusti
George Mason University TT/ Two offers out.
Georgia Tech TT 11/01/2016 Tengyuan Liang, Wenjing Liao
GWU TT 12/01/2016 Kathryn Lindsey, Nathan Totz, Stefan van Zwam, Joel Lewis, James Freitag, William Boney □

[edit] L-T

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
LSU TT Priyam Patel, Marcel Bischoff, ...
MIT TT Yufei Zhao
Michigan State TT NA Thomas Walpuski, Sanchayan Sen, Xuecheng Shao, Greg Muller
CMSE 11/14/2016 Chad Giusti, Dane Taylor, ...Alden Waters
Northwestern U TT 11/01/2016 Daniel Halpern-Leistner, Bao Le Hung, John Lesieutre, Keerthi Madapusi Pera, Xuancheng Shao, (two offers made)
Northwestern TT (a) 11/15/2016 Niall Mangan, Alexander Petroff, Yasmine Meroza, Anand Oza, Orit Peleg, Mikhail Tikhonov. (hiring two positions)
Notre Dame TT 11/01/2016 Steven Heilman, Brandon Levin, Sanchayan Sen, ...?
Ohio St TT N/A Galyna Livshyts, Will Perkins, Giang Tran, Yuanzhe Xi, Yulong Xing,Jennifer Park
Ohio University TT (a) Alden Waters
Purdue University TT 11/30/2016 Linquan Ma
Rice U TT 11/01/2016 Ben Webster
RPI TT (a) 11/01/2016 Dane Taylor, Yang Yang, Ke Wei, Maryam Yashtini,
Rutgers U TT 11/01/2016 Xavier Ros-Oton, Kathryn Lindsey
SFSU TT 12/04/2016
Temple U TT 12/31/2016 Samuel Taylor, Steven Heilman, Priyam Patel, William Perkins, Tian Yang
Texas A&M TT 11/15/2016 Steven Heilman, Tarek Elgindi, Tian Yang, Wei Wu, Junehyuk Jung, Alexandru Chirva, Nathan Williams, Kody Law, Jessica Lin, Adam Sheffer, Grigori Avramidi, Boris Hanin
Texas Tech TT 1/15/2017 Skype interviews
Tufts U TT 11/4/2016 David Ishii Smyth

[edit] UA-UL

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
UAlbany TT (topology) 2016/12/01 Robin Koytcheff, Rebecca Winarski, Michael Lesnick, Matthew Zaremsky, Justin Curry
U Arizona TT Anton Izosimov, ..
U Buffalo TT 2016/11/01 Swarnava Mukhopadhyay, Hung P. Tong-Viet, Alex Chirvasitu...
TT (a) 2016/11/01 Dane Taylor
UC Berkeley TT 2016/11/01 Semyon Dyatlov, Daniel Halpern-Leistner, Kathryn Mann, Song Sun, Yufei Zhao
UC Davis TT(a) 2016/12/15 Haizhao Yang, Xiuyuan Cheng, Alex Cloninger, Shiqian Ma, Michael Lesnick, Annie Raymond
UC Irvine TT(a) 2016/11/01 Steven Heilman, Florian Sprung, Alejandro Morales, Tarek Elgindi, Haizhao Yang, Sanchayan Sen, Jesse Wolfson, Nguyen Nguyen, Victoria Akin, Martina Hofmanova, Roman Vershynin, Paata Ivanisvili
UCLA TT Cheng Yu, Xavier Ros-Oton
UCONN TT ......
UCSD TT Olya Mandelshtam, Ming Xiao, Lukas Janson, Andrew Suk, David Hansen, Yoonsang Lee, Haizhao Yang, Daniel Halpern-Leistner, Alexander Cloninger, Tamas Darvas, Alexandra Kolla, Adam Sheffer, Tarek Elgindi
UC Santa Barbara TT Jessica Lin, Mihaela Ifrim
UC Santa Cruz TT 2016/12/09 Beren Sanders
U Delaware TT 2016/11/15 Chad Giusti, Steven Heilman, Wenjing Liao, Vu Dinh
U Denver TT 12/01/2016
U Hawaii TT Malik Younsi
UIC TT Giulia Sacca, Tamas Darvas, Julius Ross, Aaron Brown,...
U Kansas Prob/stat 11/01/2016
U Kentucky TT

[edit] UM-UZ

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Maine TT 03/21/2017 Skype interviews
U Maryland TT 11/07/2016 Tamas Darvas, Lise-Marie Imbert-Gérard,...
U Miami Analysis 11/01/2016 Jan Sbierski, Jessica Lin, Verónica Quítalo, Nathan Totz, Michele Coti Zelati
U Minnesota TT 11/07/2016 Hao Shen
U Mississippi TT 12/12/2016
U Oregon TT 11/01/2016 Tamas Darvas, Sam Raskin,...
UT Austin TT campus interviews
UT Dallas TT 11/09/2016 skype interviews completed,
UTSA TT Appl. 11/27/2016 Mircea Petrache,
U Toledo TT 02/15/2017 campus interview completed,
Utah TT Giulia Sacca, Jun Allard, Ricardo Alonso, Martina Hofmanova, Yu Gu, Andrew Snowden, Aaron Brown, Brandon Levin, Michele Coti Zelati, Dane Taylor,Wenjing Liao
Utah State TT topol/geom 12/04/2016 campus interviews scheduled,
U Virginia TT 11/01/2016 Ben Hayes, Tian Yang, Harold Williams, Annur Bulut

[edit] V-Z

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Vanderbilt University TT 11/01/2016 Jessica Lin, Maryam Yashtini, Bianca Viray, Annalisa Quaini
VCU TT 11/01/2016 Steven Heilman
Wayne State TT Joel Lewis, Fernando Charro, Rachel Davis
WISC TT Kathryn Mann, Kathryn Lindsey, Botong Wang, Aaron Brown, Tamas Darvas, Stefan Steinberger, Hao Shen
Wash. U. in St. Louis TT Steven Frankel, Kathryn Lindsey , Yanli Song, Sho Tanimoto, Hung Tran, Botong Wang □

[edit] Fellowships and institutes

Institute Award Apply by Short lists/offers

[edit] Temporary positions

[edit] A-K

Institution Name/type Apply by Short lists/offers
Duke University* Elliott Assistant Research Professor 12/1/2016 Ákos Nagy (offer on Jan 24)

[edit] L-T

Institution Name/type Apply by Short lists/offers

[edit] UA-UL

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers

[edit] UM-UZ

Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers

[edit] V-Z

Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers

[edit] Canada

[edit] Long-term positions

Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers
McGill TT 10/31/2016 Le Chen, Hao Shen, Jessica Lin
U Victoria TT 1/15/2017
U Toronto TT 12/15/2016 Daniel Halpern-Leistner
U of Waterloo (a) TT 11/30/2016 Rainer Sinn
UBC TT 12/05/2016

[edit] Fellowships and institutes

Institute Award Apply by Recipients

[edit] Temporary positions

Institution Name/type Apply by Offers/recipients

[edit] Germany

Key:   (W1) assistant professor   (W2) associate professor   (W3) professor

A shortlist reported on this wiki is the list of candidates who were invited to give a talk ("Einladung zum Vorstellungsvortrag"); the order of the names has no significance. Official rankings of candidates ("Listenplätze"), if known, are indicated by a number in parentheses after a name, or they are implied by the order in which candidates who received offers ("Rufe") are listed.

Preferred sorting order of names: Offers and acceptances in chronological order, followed by all other invited candidates in alphabetical order.

[edit] Long-term/temp W positions

Faculty searches in Germany do not follow the academic year schedule and sometimes take very long. We continue to collect information about these faculty positions (for jobs with deadlines before July 2016) in the Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2015-2016 or pages corresponding to earlier years (use the navigation sidebar).

[edit] A-C

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Aachen W3, applied 31.03.17 offer
U Augsburg W3, optimization Mirjam Dür
HU Berlin appl anal (W3) 23.03.2017
HU Berlin / WIAS appl math (W3-S) 23.03.2017
TU Berlin computeralgebra (W1) 2017 Kummer
U Bonn junior fellows (W2, temporary) Schottmüller, Gobbi, Dirksen, Ray, Eckhardt, Iacobelli, Walpuski, Cesnavicius, Ros-Oton, Sacca, Qi
U Bonn math model (W2, temporary) 01.07.2017
TU Chemnitz inverse problems (W2) 23.04.2017 Klann, Berkels, Bergmann, Valkonen, Pietschmann, Werner, Hahn, Elbau
TU Chemnitz stochastics (W3) U. Freiberg, M. Schulte, A. Szkola, M. Kolb, M. Hutzenthaler, A. Kulik, S. Riedel
TU Chemnitz appl. anal (W2) 05.05.2017 T. Lorenz, D. Breit, M. Bacak, T. Ullrich, O. Müller, W.-P. Düll, J. Brinkschulte, M. Pilca, B. Zwicknagl, M. Amann, J. Swoboda
U Cottbus algorithmics (W3) 15.11.2016 offer. van Stee, Schürman, Mnich, Averkov, Schaudt, Harks, Lutz, Thielen
U Cottbus opt. control (W3) 06.04.2017 shortlist ready. F.M. Hante, A. Kröner, G. Wachsmuth, K. Worthmann, T. Breiten, A. Zuyev

[edit] D-F

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
TU Darmstadt alg. geo / number th. (W1) Mar 17, 2017 campus visits completed
TU Darmstadt numerics (W2) 2017 Jan Giesselmann
TU Dortmund analysis (W2) May 25, 2017 Kreisbeck, Hofmanova, Zwicknagl, Wolfram, Bella, Olbermann
TU Dresden appl math (W1) Nov 3, 2016
U Düsseldorf stoch ana (W1) Jan 19, 2017 Rojas-Molina
U Erlangen appl math (W1/tt) June 30, 2017 invitations by email
U Erlangen optimization (W3) October, 2017 Ober-Blöbaum, Meyer, Zuazua, Herzog, Neitzel, Potschka, Ulbrich, Hinze, Vexler

[edit] G-L

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Gießen geometry (W3) Sep 30, 2016 Lytchak
U Gießen analysis (W2) Sep 30, 2016 K. Zemisch
U Goettingen statistics (W1) Mar 30, 2016 Daniel Rudolf
U Goettingen pure (W1) Mar 30, 2016 Walpuski, Pogorzelski, Kang, M. Jotz Lean
MLU Halle-Wittenberg functional analysis (W2) Sep 30, 2016 Waterstraat
U Hamburg optim, approx (W1) Jul 14, 2016 Martin Siebenborn
U Hamburg diff eq, dyn sys (W1) Jul 14, 2016 Burtscher, Camilla Nobili
U Hannover scientific computing (W2) October, 2016 Giesselmann, Engwer, Rademacher, Raetz, Borsche, Schedensack, Wick
U Koblenz-Landau modelling, optim (W3) Jul 22, 2016 Krumke, A. Hundertmark
U Konstanz geometry (W3) Mar 31, 2017 Averkov, Dykema, Juhnke-Kubitzke, Kleb, Lerario, Michalek, Rau, Riener, Unger
U Leipzig numerics (W1/tt) Oct 14, 2016 offer

[edit] M-P

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Marburg numerics (W2) Mar 24, 2017 shortlist: Ehler, Feischl, Giesselmann
TU Munich analysis and modelling (W3) May 28, 2017
U Munich applied (W3) April 7, 2017 offer
U Münster applied math (W1) Jul 6, 2016 Hosseini, Lamacz, Rüland, Schedensack, Schubert, Smetana, Zhigun
U Münster theoretical math (W1) Jul 6, 2016 offer. Anbar, Biedermann, Pabinik, Shaw, Strung
U Münster applied math (W2) Sep 30, 2016 Rüland, Seis
U Münster theoretical math (W2) Oct 15, 2016 offer
U Münster math. opt. (W1) April 15, 2017 Friedrich
U Osnabrück appl anal (W3) Jun 5, 2017 Ullrich, Gnewuch (2), Giesselmann (3)
U Paderborn algebra (W3) Aug 26, 2016 I. Burban
U Paderborn appl math (W1) Jan 2, 2017 offer

[edit] R-Z

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Saarbrücken appl. math. (W1 tt) May 26, 2017 Ochs
U Trier numerics (W3) Oct , 2016 N.Marheineke
U Ulm applied analysis (W3) March 24, 2017 Bella, Chen, Dirr, Herr, Schikorra, Wiedemann, Winkler, Ziemer, Zwicknagl
U Würzburg analysis (W3) Oct 7, 2016

[edit] Other temporary positions

Institution Areas Type Apply by Short lists/offers
TU Munich pde num-analysis appl.math PostDoc Position Oct 01, 2016
TU Munich pde num-analysis appl.math PhD Thesis Sep 01, 2016
U Goettingen number theory, group theory Postdoc (2) Dec 16, 2016
U Goettingen number theory, group theory scholarship for a PhD Dec 16, 2016

[edit] Rest of the World

[edit] Long-term positions

Country Institution Areas Apply by Short lists and offers

Australia University of Queensland all July 16, 2017
Austria TU Wien Differential geometry (t) April 26, 2017
Austria TU Wien Geometric analysis (t) April 26, 2017
Austria U Vienna Analysis & Geometry (tt) Dec 31, 2016 filled
Austria U Vienna Algebra & Number Theory (t) Mar 31, 2017
Chile PUC Chile Mathematics Nov 15, 2016 Mircea Petrache
México CCADET UNAM Researcher in Advanced Nano Manufacturing Mar 24, 2017
Ireland Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Maynooth University Lecturership in Mathematics May 21st 2017 Interviews: June 19th 2017
Netherlands University of Gronigen Analysis (tt) Feb 1, 2017 Alden Waters
UK U Edinburgh 2 lectureships in Algebra, Geometry & Topology and Related Fields Nov 2, 2016
UK Exeter U Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Dec 15, 2016 Invitations sent
UK Manchester U Lecturer, Senior Lecturer or Reader in Pure Mathematics Feb 28, 2017 Invitations sent

[edit] Temporary positions

Please do not list doctoral positions.

Country Institution Areas Type Apply by Short lists and offers
Australia University of Queensland all 3 years June 29, 2017
Austria Uni Graz stochastic University Assistant with doctorate April 5, 2017
Austria Uni Graz pde num-analysis appl.math University Assistant with doctorate in mathematical image processing and inverse problems April 5, 2017 Alden Waters
Austria Uni Graz pde num-analysis appl.math PostDoc Position in the ERC Advanced Grant OCLOC Sep 15, 2017
Austria MedUni Graz pde num-analysis appl.math PhD Positions within BioTechMed ILEARNHEART Mar 05, 2017
Austria Uni Graz pde num-analysis appl.math PhD Positions within BioTechMed ILEARNHEART Mar 05, 2017
Belgium U Antwerpen num-analysis algorithms appl.math Postdoc researcher in Scientific Computing and algorithms for inverse problems Feb 2017
France The Excellence Laboratory Milyon Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science campaign six postdoctoral positions with no teaching load January 16th 2017
Luxembourg University of Luxembourg Geometry: representations of surface or hyperbolic groups, Hitchin or Anosov representations, higher Teichmüller theory, geometric structures on low-dimensional manifolds, metric and combinatorial considerations on moduli type spaces and the geometry of the mapping class group, etc Up to four 2-year postdoctoral positions, low teaching load January 30, 2017
Poland Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (IMPAN) Analysis, geometry, topology Postdoctoral researcher in the ERC project INDEX Jan 31, 2017

UK U Edinburgh Seggie Brown Postdoctoral Dec 2, 2016
UK Exeter U Dynamical systems P54647 Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Mathematics (5y) Dec 15, 2016 Invitations sent
Spain BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Applied Statistics Postdoctoral Fellowship Sep 20, 2016
Spain BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Machine Learning Postdoctoral Fellowship Sep 20, 2016
Spain BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Modelling and Simulation in Life and Materials Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship Sep 20, 2016
Spain BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Statistical Physics Postdoctoral Fellowship Sep 20, 2016
Switzerland University of Zürich Pure Mathematics Lecturer (3-year Research position) Sep 30, 2016 Xavier Ros-Oton, Lei Zhao, Disheng Xu, Krzysztof Putyra, Marco Golla, Yohan Brunebarbe, Claudia Scheimbauer

[edit] Mathematics jobs sites

This section is for web sites that are specific to mathematics employment. Do not list sites with general employment assistance or solicitations.

[edit] Other disciplines (wikis and job rumor sites)