Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2017-2018

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Welcome to the Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2017-2018 research positions page. This page collects information about the academic mathematics job market: positions, short lists, offers, acceptances, etc. It lists positions at PhD-granting departments (including stat and applied math), and at departments that are research-oriented by other reasonable criteria. See the teaching positions page for more teaching-oriented academic math jobs.

To post news or corrections anonymously, please edit this wiki page yourself by clicking "edit" at an appropriate place. It is better to first register, but you can edit by IP number as well. You can contact the moderators through to report evil postings, (e.g. inaccurate information about yourself or other applicants), and other issues. We are interested in information provided in good faith. Do not post wild hunches, and please respect the trust of your friends and colleagues.

Have you accepted a position? If so, it's a great courtesy to other job applicants to post that information here.

This site is currently supported by Matthias Koeppe, Greg Kuperberg, and Tao Mei. Tao reads the e-mail and he will keep the correspondence confidential as appropriate. Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that any information listed here is accurate; no warranty is expressed or implied. UC Davis and the UC Davis Math Department do not endorse this project and disavow any responsibility for the information on this wiki.


[edit] Key

Departments   (a) applied (b) biomath/biostat (c) computational
(o) optimization/OR (p) physics/QCQI (s) statistics
* MathJobs position
Positions (p) merely preferred (t) tenured position (u) tenure-track
(o) open rank (n) n positions
Apply by (∞) open indefinitely (*) created position
Names italic offer bold accepted strike withdrawn/declined
... and others search completed

"Apply by" can mean a strict deadline, or full consideration, or something else. Expired deadlines may be replaced by the last deadline listed. See the ads for details.

Note that the links should be directed to the job announcements rather than the department homepage.

[edit] United States

[edit] Long-term positions

[edit] A-K

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Auburn U* Dec 1 Skype interviews scheduled
Auburn U* Dec 1
Auburn U* Dec 1
Baylor U* Nov 15
Brandeis U* Zahra Aminzare, Jordan Horowitz, Thomas Fai, Thomas Trogdon
Brigham Young U*
Boston U* Dec 1 Natalie Sheils
Carnegie Mellon* Oct 31
Carnegie Mellon* Oct 31
Carnegie Mellon* Oct 15 Maier, Weber, Chow, Rolen, Dousse, Lederman, Rodgers, Frick
Caltech* Justin Holmgren, Raymond Tat Chow, Nicolas Garcia Trillos, Nan Chen, Roy Lederman
Colorado Mines (a)*
Columbia (a)* Nov 1 Deborah Lacitignola, Michael Schneier, Jiajun Tong
Columbia* Dec 15 Ila Varma, Ari Shnidman, Giulia Sacca, Laura Starkston, Roger Casals, Konstantin Tikhomirov, Francesco Lin, Georg Oberdieck, Shirshendu Ganguly, Will Sawin, Sung-Jin Oh, Chao Li
Cornell U (o)*
Dartmouth C* Dec 15 Daniel Forger, Maria Riolo, Boris Kramer, Li Wang, Yoonsang Lee, Daniele Venturi, Naoki Masuda, Yilun Wu,
Drexel* Jan 15 filled
Duke U* Nov 15
Duke U* Nov 9
Duke U* Nov 9
Duke U (s)* Nov 15
Duke U (s)* Oct 10
Florida St* algebra Tyler Foster, Mona Merling, Mattia Talpo
Florida St* applied, math finance Sarantsev, Farhat, Zhang, Mondaini, Ekren, Nan Chen, Bao, Lei, Duru
George Mason U* algebra Jan 15
Harvard* applied, fluids Dec 1 Petros Koumoutsakos, Sarah Olson, Eva Kanso, Tyler Shendruck
Illinois St* discrete Dec 15
Illinois Tech (a)*
Illinois Tech (s)* Short list: interviews scheduled.
Indiana U, Bloomington* Nov 15 Fan,Nelson, J. Wang, Mooney, Hickman, Bobby Wilson
Iowa St* Data science Nov 1 Joey Iverson, Thomas Fai

[edit] L-T

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Lehigh U* alggeom Nov 30
Lehigh U* applied Nov 30 Skype Interviews (Rejections/Shortlist)
Louisiana Tech* Nov 1 Nishant Malik
Louisiana Tech* Nov 1
Michigan St (s)*
Mississippi St (s)*
Montana St*
NYU* Dec 15 Jonathan Weare
North Carolina St* Feb 1
North Carolina St* Apr 30
Northeastern U* ...
Northwestern U* Nov 1
Oklahoma St* (s)
Penn St* Nov 15
Purdue U* Theresa C. Anderson, Chow, Fan, Harris, Wake, Bobby Wilson
Queens C*
Rice U (a)* Dec 15 Thomas Fai
Rice U * Nov 10
Rutgers U* Mirek, Daniel Ketover
Stanford U*
Stanford U*
South Methodist U*
Stony Brook
Syracuse U (s)*
Syracuse U*
Tufts U* Daniel Sanz-Alonso, James Murphy, Nishant Malik, Francesco Tudisco
Tulane U* Dec 1

[edit] UA-UL

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Alabama* Feb 28
U California, Davis* Yevgeny Liokumovich
U California, Irvine* Jeffrey Kuan, Daniel Litt, Connor Mooney, Steven Sam, Konstantin Tikhomirov
U California, Irvine* Maryann Hohn, Emmanuel Kengne, Jeff Ludwig, Rajinder Mavi, Mario Micheli, Daniel O'Connor, Jim Rolf
U California, Merced* applied
U California, Riverside* Oct 30 Tarik Aougab, Renato Bettiol, Luca Di Cerbo, Raymond Chow, Matthew Durham, Michael Ehrig, Nathan Perlmutter, Olga Turanova, Faramarz Vafaee, Bobby Wilson
U California, Riverside* Oct 30 Peter Samuelson
U California, Riverside* Oct 30
U California, San Diego*
U California, San Diego* Tristan Collins, Thomas Fai, Georg Oberdieck, Ila Varma, Hiro Tanaka
U California, San Diego*
U California, San Diego*
U California, Santa Barbara*
U Chicago (Booth)* Mar 18
U Chicago (s)* Dec 1 Roy Lederman, Daniel Sanz-Aonsol, Elina Robeva, Joseph Landsberg, Zhizhen Jane Zhao
U Colorado, Boulder (a)*
U Florida* Li Wang, Catherine Pfaff, Luca Di Cerbo,...
U Hawaii, Manoa* all Feb 6
U Houston* Natalie Sheils
U Illinois, Chicago* James Freitag, David Hansen, Ari Shnidman, Spencer Unger, Wouter Van Limbeek
U Iowa, Iowa City*
U Kansas geometry Luca Di Cerbo, ...
U Louisiana, Lafayette*

[edit] UM-UZ

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Maryland*
U Massachusetts, Dartmouth* Nishant Malik
U Michigan*
U Minnesota* Tsao-Hsien Chen, Bobby Wilson
U New Mexico*
U Notre Dame* top/geom/q (t)
U Notre Dame* top/geom/q
U Notre Dame* all Mona Merling, Eric Riedl, Tristan Collins, David Hansen, Yevgeny Liokumovich, Heather Macbeth...
U Pennsylvania*

Tarik Aougab, Mona Merling, Catherine Pfaff

USC* Apr 30 Yevgeny Liokumovich
USC* Apr 30
U Utah*
U Utah* Kevin Moon, James Murphy,...
U Washington* ...
U Washington (s)
U Wisconsin, Madison (s) Roy Lederman, Bobby Wilson, Connor Mooney, Nan Chen, Thomas Fai, Yevgeny Liokumovich, Michael Kemeny, Tristan C. Collins, Shaoming Guo, Chao Li

[edit] V-Z

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Vanderbilt U*
Wichita St* Oct 31
Yale* Dec. 15

[edit] Fellowships and institutes

Institute Award Apply by Short lists/offers

[edit] Temporary positions

[edit] A-K

Institution Name/type Apply by Short lists/offers
Baylor U* Dec 1
Boston U* May 31
Brown U (a)* Rejections
Caltech* Bateman
Caltech* Taussky-Todd offers
Caltech* RAP
Carnegie Mellon* Jan 15
Carnegie Mellon*
Dartmouth C* Feb 1
Dartmouth C* Feb 1 Rejections
Dartmouth C*
Duke U* Dec 1
Emory U*
Harvard U*
Harvard U (a)* Nov 1
Indiana U (Bloomington)* Zorn Dec 15 Rejections

[edit] L-T

Institution Name/type Apply by Short lists/offers
MIT* Yiming Zhao
North Carolina St* Jan 31
Ohio St*
Ohio St*
Oklahoma St* Oct 1
Pennsylvania St* Jun 6
Pennsylvania St* Aug 7, 2018
Pennsylvania St* Aug 7, 2018
Pennsylvania St* Jun 6
Pennsylvania St* Jun 6
Pennsylvania St (s)*
Princeton U* (a)
Rutgers U*
Stanford U* Szegö

[edit] UA-UL

Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers
U Alabama*
U Arizona* Aug 21
U California, Berkeley* Rejections
U California, Davis*
U Colorado, Boulder* Rejections
U Idaho (Center for Modeling Complex Interactions)*
U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign*

[edit] UM-UZ

Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers
U Maryland* Rejections
U Michigan*
U Minnesota*
U Nebraska, Lincoln*
U Notre Dame*
U Notre Dame*
U Notre Dame*
U Texas, Austin (ICES)* Jan 4
U Utah*
U Washington*
U Washington (a)*

[edit] V-Z

Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers
Vanderbilt U*
Yale* offers

[edit] Canada

[edit] Long-term positions

Institution Area Apply by Short lists/offers
McGill U (b)* Biostatistics (∞)
McGill U* Geometry Dec 15 Laura Starkston, Yevgeny Liokumovich
Queen's U* Statistics, Pure Mathematics Nov 1 Jason Klusowski, Zhenhua Lin, Catherine Pfaff
U Alberta* Mathematical Biology Nov 30 Thomas Fai
U Alberta* Algebra, Geometry Nov 30 Short list made
U British Columbia Topology Nov 15 Roger Casals, Nathan Perlmutter, Liam Watson
U British Columbia Math Biology Nov 15 Monika Twarogowska, Giles Hooker, Helen Alexander, Angelica Manhart, Florian Patout, Jay Newby.
U Laval* Statistics (Big Data) Dec 1
U Montreal* Statistics, Biostatistics, Data Science Oct 30
U New Brunswick* Algebra or Combinatorics Jan 31
U Ottawa* Data Science (Tier 2 Canada Research Chair) Sep 30
U Ottawa* Data Science (Tier 1 Canada Research Chair) Sep 30
U Toronto* Applied Mathematics Dec 1 Roy Lederman, Manas Rachh, Franziska Weber, Mykhalyo Shkolnikov, Connor Mooney, Li Wang, Mohammad Farazmand, Sergey Tabachnikov
U Toronto* Pure Mathematics Nov 15 Tristan Collins, Alex wright, Jenny Wilson, Zhiren Wang, Michael Groechenig, Ila Varma, Wes Pegden, Kate Juschenko, Grigory Mikhalkin, Yevgeny Liokumovich
U Victoria* Algebra Dec 3 Vinayak Vatsal, John Bergdall, Stephen Scully, Michael Wibmer.
U Waterloo (IQC)* Quantum computing Dec 1
U Waterloo (o)* Combinatorics, Optimization Dec 1
U Waterloo (s)* Actuarial Science Dec 1
York U* Applied Mathematics Dec 11

[edit] Fellowships and institutes

Institute Award Apply by Recipients
U Montréal (CRM)* Rejections

[edit] Temporary positions

Institution Name/type Apply by Offers/recipients
U British Columbia*
U New Brunswick*
U Ottawa* Dec 1
U Waterloo (IQC)*

[edit] Germany

Key:   (W1) assistant professor   (W2) associate professor   (W3) professor

A shortlist reported on this wiki is the list of candidates who were invited to give a talk ("Einladung zum Vorstellungsvortrag"); the order of the names has no significance. Official rankings of candidates ("Listenplätze"), if known, are indicated by a number in parentheses after a name, or they are implied by the order in which candidates who received offers ("Rufe") are listed.

Preferred sorting order of names: Offers and acceptances in chronological order, followed by all other invited candidates in alphabetical order.

[edit] Long-term/temp W positions

Faculty searches in Germany do not follow the academic year schedule and sometimes take very long. We continue to collect information about these faculty positions (for jobs with deadlines before July 2017) in the Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2016-2017 or pages corresponding to earlier years (use the navigation sidebar or Main Page).

[edit] A-C

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Bochum Numerische Mathematik (W2/W3)
U Bonn (Hausdorff)* pure (W2) Sep 30 Blomer
U Bonn (Hausdorff)* Oct 1 Bufetov, Dousse, Driemel, Feischl, Ghiraldin, Gnann, Joos, Lafuente, Oberdieck, Schmitzer, Zhang

[edit] D-F

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
TU Darmstatt] alg geom (W3) Bauer

[edit] G-L

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U. Giessen geometry (W3) 2017 Hartnick
U. Göttingen Optimization (W1) Oct 2017 Tam, Merlin, Walaa
U. Hamburg discrete (W1) Oct 2017 Joos
U. Hamburg alg geo (W2) Dyckerhoff
TU Kaiserslautern appl. math (W3) Sep 30, 2017 Schöbel
CU Kiel stochastics 2017 Sören Christensen
TU Koblenzlandau appl. math 2017 Eichfelder
U Konstanz analysis (W1/tt) Jun 30

[edit] M-P

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Mainz algebraic geometry (W3) Bayer, Ciocan-Fontanine, Gille, Laza, Liedtke, Pearlstein, Szamuely, Yakimova
U Osnabruck discrete (W2) Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke
U Paderborn applied anal (W3) kutyniok, feischl (2), gieselmann (3)

[edit] R-Z

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Regensburg pure (W3) Oct 27 Marc Hoyois
U Trier opt (W3) Nov 27 offer. campus visits from: Eichfelder, Werner, Grad, Schwartz, Schmidt, De Wolff, Muller

[edit] Other temporary positions

Please do not list doctoral positions.

Institution Areas Type Apply by Short lists/offers
U Aachen* repr. theory, trop. geom, combin. 1 PostDocs (3 years) Deadline: 07/20/2018
U Göttingen* num thy, growth in groups 2 PostDocs (2 years) Dec 27
U Hannover* num thy, arith geom, algebr geom 2 PostDocs (2 years) Dec 18
U Hannover* num thy, arith geom, algebr geom PostDoc (3 years) Dec 18

[edit] Rest of the World

[edit] Long-term positions

Country Institution Areas Apply by Short lists and offers

Australia Australian Math Sci Inst (Management)* Aug 25
Australia U Melbourne* Nov 1
Australia U Melbourne* Nov 23
Australia U Melbourne* Dec 3
Australia U Melbourne*
Australia U Melbourne* Oct 30 Peter McNamara, Mona Merling, Brett Parker, Gufang Zhao
Australia U Melbourne*
Australia U New South Wales* Sep 18 Rejection Sent
Australia U Queensland all July 16, 2017
Austria IST Austria* Nov 2
Austria U Innsbruck functional analysis (TT) Nov 24, 2017
Austria U Innsbruck engineering mathematics (T) Dec 4, 2017
Austria U Innsbruck mathematical foundations of deep learning (TT) Sep 20, 2018
Austria U Graz* applied PDE (6y) Jun 20, 2018
Brazil U Rio Grande do Norte* Diff geom Dez 29, 2017
Belgium U. Antwerp, Belgium* Applied Statistics/Stochastics 29 Juli, 2018
Chile Universidad de Concepción* Santi Spadaro
China Westlake IAS*
Hong Kong City U Hong Kong*
Hong Kong HKU* Dec 31 Interview Scheduled
Kazakhstan Nazarbayev U* appl math Mar 1
Lebanon American U Beirut* Nov 15
Mexico U Nacional Autonoma Mexico (Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas)*
Mexico U Nacional Autonoma México (Centro Ciencias Matemáticas)* Nov 26
Poland University of Silesia, Katowice* Lectureship in Algebra and Number Theory (note that the ad is in Polish, but knowledge of Polish not essential) Jun 08, 2018
Poland University of Silesia, Katowice* Lectureship in Biomathematics (note that the ad is in Polish, but knowledge of Polish not essential) Jun 08, 2018
Poland University of Silesia, Katowice* Lectureship in Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Jun 08, 2018
Poland University of Silesia, Katowice* Lectureship in Mathematical Logic (note that the ad is in Polish, but knowledge of Polish not essential) Jun 08, 2018
Poland University of Silesia, Katowice* Lectureship in Functional Equations (note that the ad is in Polish, but knowledge of Polish not essential) Jun 08, 2018
Poland University of Silesia, Katowice* Lectureship in Probability (note that the ad is in Polish, but knowledge of Polish not essential) Jun 08, 2018
Poland University of Silesia, Katowice* Professor in Biomathematics (note that the ad is in Polish, but knowledge of Polish not essential) Jun 08, 2018
Poland University of Silesia, Katowice* Professor in Mathematical Logic (note that the ad is in Polish, but knowledge of Polish not essential) Jun 08, 2018
Sweden Uppsala* algebraic geometry Nov 1 Short list made
Taiwan Natl Taiwan U*
UK Queen Mary U London* Nov 8
UK U Bath* Oct 16

[edit] Temporary positions

Please do not list doctoral positions.

Country Institution Areas Type Apply by Short lists and offers
Korea KAIST* Non-Tenure Track Assistant Professorship (3 years) Mar. 31
Australia U Queensland* Feb 18
Australia U Sydney* Aug 27
Austria U Graz PDE Num-Analysis PostDoc Position in the ERC Advanced Grant OCLOC Jan 15, 2018
Brazil U Federal da Bahia* Visiting Professor Santi Spadaro
Hong Kong HKU* PDE PostDoc Dec 31
Norway UiT - Arctic University of Norway Real Algebraic Geometry PostDoc Position in the SymRAG research project Mar 1, 2018
UK U Edinburgh* Sep 8
UK U Edinburgh* Nov. 15
Thailand Suranaree University of Technology Applied Mathematics 3 years (renewable) July 31, 2018 (search extended)

[edit] Mathematics jobs sites

This section is for web sites that are specific to mathematics employment. Do not list sites with general employment assistance or solicitations.

[edit] Other disciplines (wikis and job rumor sites)