Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2015-2016

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Welcome to the Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2015-2016 research positions page. This page collects information about the academic mathematics job market: positions, short lists, offers, acceptances, etc. It lists positions at PhD-granting departments (including stat and applied math), and at departments that are research-oriented by other reasonable criteria. See the teaching positions page for more teaching-oriented academic math jobs.

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Have you accepted a position? If so, it's a great courtesy to other job applicants to post that information here.

This site is currently supported by Matthias Koeppe, Greg Kuperberg, and Tao Mei. Tao reads the e-mail and he will keep the correspondence confidential as appropriate. Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that any information listed here is accurate; no warranty is expressed or implied. UC Davis and the UC Davis Math Department do not endorse this project and disavow any responsibility for the information on this wiki.




Departments   (a) applied (b) biomath/biostat (c) computational
(o) optimization/OR (p) physics/QCQI (s) statistics
* MathJobs position
Positions (p) merely preferred (t) tenured position (u) tenure-track
(o) open rank (n) n positions
Apply by (∞) open indefinitely (*) created position
Names italic offer bold accepted strike withdrawn/declined
... and others search completed

"Apply by" can mean a strict deadline, or full consideration, or something else. Expired deadlines may be replaced by the last deadline listed. See the ads for details.

Note that the links should be directed to the job announcements rather than the department homepage.

United States

Long-term positions


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Auburn U TT 11/20/2015
Baylor U applied (u) 12/1/2015 short list
Baylor U all (Storm chair) 02/15/2016
Binghamton U prob 11/30/2015 David Renfrew
Boston C TT 11/1/2015 Ana Caraiani, Steven Sivek, Giulio Tiozzo
Boston U TT 12/15/2015 Ana Caraiani, Christian Johansson, Ali Altug, Brandon Levin, John Berdgall, Jennifer Balakrishnan
Brandeis U TT 11/15/2015 Nathan Williams, Erik Carlsson, Giulio Tiozzo, Ana Caraiani, An Huang
Brown U (a) TT 12/7/2015 Olivier Bokanowski
California St, Bakersfield TT 11/01/2015 Ahmet Ozkan Ozer
Caltech TT 12/31/2015
Carnegie Mellon U prob 11/30/2015 Tianyi Zheng, Ibrahim Ekren
Central Florida U prob 12/05/2015 Alexandru Hening
Clemson U TT 12/31/2015 David Aulicino, Francesco diPlinio, Anna Vershynina (analysis), Feng Bao, Fei Xue (computation), Dan Cheng, Jyotiska Datta, Ling Ma (stat)
Colgate U TT Analysis 12/01/2015 ..
Colorado Mines (a) TT 12/7/2015
Cornell U TT 11/1/2015 Jeffrey Giansiracusa, Sara Maloni, Martino Lupini, Philippe Sosoe, Inna Zakharevich
CUNY TT 9/15/2015
Dartmouth C topology 12/15/2015 Anastasiia Tsvietkova, Jeffrey Giansiracusa, Ina Petkova, Weiwei Wu, David Rose
Depaul U TT search completed (2/23/2015)
Duke U TT 4/1/2016
Florida St (a) TT 11/20/2015 Martin Bauer
Florida St TT 11/15/2015 Sara Maloni, Sam Ballas, Jonas Azzam,Francesco Di Plinio
Fordham U TT 11/15/2015 Hans-Joachim Hein, Kei Kobayashi
Georgia Tech TT 11/1/2015 Mayya Zhilova, Daniel Sussman
Johns Hopkins U (a) TT 12/15/2015 Weiwei Hu,
Kansas St TT Topology 11/10/2015 Kristen Hendricks, Philip Hackney, Qingtao Chen, Rustam Sadykov [1]


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Lehigh U TT 11/30/2015 Angela Hicks
Louisiana St TT 11/3/2015
Michigan St TT 10/15/2015 Hongjun Ha, Kristen Hendricks, Matthew Strom Borman, Ana Caraiani, Ilya Kachkovskiy, Jonas Azzam, Ekaterina Merkurjev
Mississippi St (ac) TT 11/1/2015
Montana St (ac) appl 11/15/2015 Dominique Zosso, Scott Hottovy, Jing Qin, Hui (Paul) Sun, Christina Hamlet
North Carolina St Data Science 1/16/2016 Patrick Combettes, Kelin Xia, Dane Taylor
North Carolina St TT 11/15/2015 Tye Lidman, Olivia Dumitrescu, Erik Carlsson, Vamsi Pritham Pingali
North Carolina St (a) TT 11/15/2015 Dominique Zosso, Khai T. Nguyen
Northeastern U (a) TT 11/15/2015 Mboyo Esole, Emanuel Lazar, Subhro Ghosh
Northwestern U TT 11/1/2015 Gang Liu, Ana Caraiani
Northwestern U (a) TT 11/1/2015 Wenxiao Pan, Ivana Bozic, Elisabetta Matsumoto, Enkeleida Lushi, Brian Camley, Shravan Veerapaneni, Mattia Gazzola
Notre Dame U (a) TT 12/7/2015 Interview finished and offer sent out
Notre Dame U (a) TT 11/1/2015 Daniele Schiavazzi, Xueyu Zhu, Jay Newby
Oakland U TT 01/15/2016 Campus interviews scheduled
Ohio St TT 11/16/2015 Jennifer Balakrishnan, Eric Katz, Giulio Tiozzo, Grigori Avramidi, Ionut Chifan
Oklahoma St TT 11/30/2015 Weiwei Hu, Jose Gonzalez, Anand Patel, Anastasiia Tsvietkova
Penn St TT 12/30/2015 Tianyi Zheng, Fabrice Baudoin, Fei Lu
Purdue U TT 11/1/2015 Baiying Liu, Ali Altug, Tianyi Zheng, Wujun Zhang, Emanuel Indrei, Alexey Ovchinnikov
Rice U TT 11/15/2015 Jarod Alper, Jennifer Balakrishnan, Ana Caraiani, Lenhard Ng, Steven Sivek, Xin Zhou, Yi Zhu, Benjamin Bakker
Rice U (a) TT 11/15/2015 Milivoje Lukic
Rochester IT TT 11/23/2015
Rutgers U TT 11/1/2015 Wujun Zhang, Daniel Schwarz, Omer Bobrowski
Rutgers U TT
Rutgers U, Newark TT 12/31/2015 Anastasiia Tsvietkova, Sara Maloni, Kristen Hendricks, Mboyo Esole
SFSU TT 12/1/2015 Vidit Nanda
Stanford U TT 12/1/2015
Stanford U (c) TT 12/18/2015
Stony Brook U TT 12/15/2015 Chris Todd, Subhro Ghosh, Lewis Bowen, Tianyi Zheng, Sean Li, Jonas Azzam
Syracuse U appl 10/1/2015 Dominique Zosso, Ekaterina Merkurjev, Gerrit Welper, Patrick Combettes
Tufts U Prob 12/1/2015 Alexandru Hening,
Tulane U PDE 04/1/2016 Aseel Farhat, Shiwu Yang,Khai T. Nguyen


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Arizona TT 11/01/2015 Ilya Kachkovskiy, Francesc Castella, Sanchayan Sen, Hang Xue, Tim Perutz
UC Berkeley TT 11/02/2015
UC Davis TT 11/30/2015 Tye Lidman, Mboyo Esole, Subhro Glosh, Philip Isett, Erik Carlsson, Elena Fuchs, Milivoje Lukic, Luis Rademacher
UC Irvine TT 12/1/2015 Isaac Goldbring, Milivoje Lukic, Tianyi Zheng, Benjamin Bakker, Hao Jia, Ana Caraiani, Steven Sivek
UCLA TT 12/31/2015 Hao Jia, Milivoje Lukic, David Conlon
UC Merced TT 12/17/2015
UC Riverside TT 11/16/2015 Jose Gonzalez, Tye Lidman
UC Santa Barbara prob 12/01/2015
UC Santa Cruz analysis/geom 12/16/2015 Sobhan Seyfaddini, Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner, Subhroshekhar Ghosh, Mohammad Farajzadeh Tehrani, Francois Monard
UC San Diego TT 11/1/2015 Lenny Ng, Ilya Kossovskiy, Ana Caraiani, Steven Sivek
UC San Diego TT 11/1/2015 Mary Wootters, Daniel Remenik, Tianyi Zheng, Gang Liu, Andrej Zlatos, Weijie Su, Fabrice Baudoin
U Cincinnati TT 11/30/2015 Dionyssios Mantzavinos, Yuan Zhang, Won Chang, Francesco Di Plinio,Cheng Li, Kaoru Irie, Joseph Najnudel, Yu-Ting Chen, Bartlomiej Siudeja
U Colorado (a) TT 10/1/2015
U Colorado Topology 12/1/2015 Justin Noel, Kristen Hendricks
U Connecticut TT 12/1/2015 Sara Maloni, Asher Auel, Fabrice Baudoin, Xin Zhou, Ian Shipman, Mihaela Ifrim, Tianyi Zheng
U Florida Math biology 01/4/2016 search completed
U Georgia TT 11/1/2015 Lauren Childs, Eric Katz, Tye Lidman, Giorgis Petridis, Laura Rider[2], Weiwei Wu, Holly Krieger
U Houston TT 11/01/20115
U Illinois TT 11/1/2015 Special Lectures
U Iowa appl/comp 11/1/2015 Dominique Zosso, Yongyong Cai, Xueyu Zhu
U Kansas comp'l 11/1/2015 Phone interviews scheduled, shortlist Dec 20
U Kansas analysis 11/1/2015 Ilya Kachkovskiy, Francesco Di Plinio, Geng Chen
U Louisiana, Lafayette Algebra 10/31/2015 Justin Lynd


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Massachusetts, Amherst TT 12/1/2015 Sohrab Shahshahani, Andrew Lawrie,Francesco Di Plinio, Hao Jia, Jonas Azzam (analysis); Xin Tong, Lam Si Tung Ho, Julia Palacio (data science) [3]
U Miami Analysis 11/4/2015 Andrew Lawrie, Mihaela Ifrim, Mimi Dai
U Michigan, Ann Arbor TT 11/1/2015
U Minnesota TT 11/9/2015 Agnès Beaudry, Jeff Calder, Ana Caraiani, Hao Jia, Gourab Ray, Ron Rosenthal, Steven Sivek, Xin Wan, Rongrong Wang
U Montana Analysis 01/1/2016
U Nebraska TT 11/13/2015 Ilya KachkovskiyXavier Perez
U North Carolina TT 10/23/2015 Andrew Lawrie, Davi Maximo, Jesse Gell-Redman
U Notre Dame TT
U Penn TT 11/1/2015 Benjamin Bakker, Aynur Bulut, Ana Caraiani, Davi Maximo, Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner, Hans-Joachim Hein, Anton M.Zeitlin, Olivia Dumitrescu
U Pittsburgh TT 11/15/2015 Baiying Liu, Jonas Azzam, Tsao-Hsien Chen, Philip Isett, Sean Li, Aynur Bulut
USC TT 10/15/2015 Ana Caraiani, Sheel Ganatra, Adam Levine, Steven Sivek
U Tennessee TT 12/15/2015 Yu-Ting Chen, Le Chen, Kunwoo Kim
U Texas, Austin TT 11/4/2015 Chris Dodd, Ana Caraiani, Steven Sivek, Mary Wootters, Giulio Tiozzo, Gang Liu
U Utah TT 05/31/2016 Arul Shankar, Giulio Tizzo, Wenjia Jing, Giovanni Motta
U Vermont TT 12/30/2015 Puck Rombach, Michael Tait
U Virginia TT 11/1/2015 Alexey Cheskidov, Mimi Dai, Francesco Di Plinio , David Gepner, Sara Maloni,, Lenhard Ng, David Penneys
U Washington TT 11/1/2015 Jarod Alper, Benjamin Bakker, ...
U Washington (a) TT 12/1/2015 Dominique Zosso, Weiwei Hu, Jay Newby, Shishi Luo, Benjamin Peherstorfer, Ivana Bozic, Mary Wootters
U Wisconsin, Madison TT 01/25/2016 Canceled


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Virginia Commonwealth U* (u)(3) 12/1/2015 Ihsan Topaloglu
Wayne St* stat (p) (o) 12/1/2015 Dan Cheng, Sanjeena Dang
WPI TT 12/15/2015 David Thomson, Ian Petrow, Rachel Davis, Matthew Yancey, Padraig Ó Catháin, Sara Maloni
Wichita State U Statistics 3/20/2016

Fellowships and institutes

Institute Award Apply by Short lists/offers
MSRI postdoc analysis 12/01/2015 Murat Akman, Simon Bortz, Engelstein Max, Guo Shaoming, Jonathan Hickman, Marina Iliopoulou, Paata Ivanisvili, Yumeng Ou, Saari Olli, Wilson Bobby

Temporary positions


Institution Name/type Apply by Short lists/offers
Arizona St* Postdoctoral Research Associate shortlist (Dec 18)
Brown U* Prager Asst Prof rejection (Jan 15)
Brown U* Tamarkin
Caltech* Taussky - Todd filled (March 7)
Columbia U* J. F. Ritt Assistant Professor filled (Feb 2)
Cornell U* Wang rejection (Feb 10)
Dartmouth C* Neukom Postdoc Fellowship rejection/filled (Feb 1)
Dartmouth C* Wesley Young rejection (Feb 15)
Georgia Tech* IMPACT filled
Harvard U* Peirce rejection (Feb 18)
Johns Hopkins U* Sylvester


Institution Name/type Apply by Short lists/offers
MSRI rejection/filled (Feb 3)
Penn St* research associate
Penn St* chowla
Princeton U* postdoc rejection/filled (March 30)
Rutgers U* assistant professor (non TT)
Rutgers U* hill
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Research Assistant Professorship rejection (Jan 25) filled (Jan 25)
Stanford U* szego filled (Feb 5 2016)
Texas A&M* Visiting Assistant Professor Xiaoxian Tang, Yue Cai


Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers
UCLA* hendrick
UCSD* postdoc
U Colorado* post-doc shortlist/rejection (Jan 14) Yue Cai
U Dallas* Visiting Assistant Professor (teaching post-doc) rejection (Jan 26)
UIUC* doob


Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers
U Massachusetts, Amherst* visiting
U Oregon* num theory postdoc
U Pennsylvania* rademacher
U South Florida* Postdoc shortlist (Feb 8)
U Washington* acting assistant professor
U West Florida* Postdoc Associate rejection (January 12)


Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers
Vanderbilt U* NTT AP Nov 26 2015 filled (Feb 3 2016)
Yale U* Gibbs rejection (Feb 8 2016)


Long-term positions

Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers
U McGill TT (math phsy) 01/12/2016 Sergey Norin
U McGill TT (opt) 01/12/2016 T. Hoheysel
U Toronto TT 11/23/2015 Ana Caraiani, Jacopo De Simoi, Lenny Ng, Adam Harper, Stefano Aretakis, Milivoje Lukic, Sobhan Seyfaddini, Philip Isett, Malik Younsi, Steven Sivek, Sean Li, Xuancheng Shao, Arul Shankar, Tiozzo Giulio, Tim Austin, Theodore Kolokolnikov
U Montréal TT Nov 16 Jacopo De Simoi, Ilya Kachkovskiy
U Waterloo TT Nov 15 Jonas Azzam, Khoa Nguyen, Brent Pym, Adam Topaz, Christopher Daw
U Waterloo TT Dec 1 Puck Rombach
York U TT Dec 11 Patrick Ingram, Paul Lee, Ian Marquette, Paul Skoufranis
Queen's U TT Nov 2 Brent Pym, Mihai Fulger, Ilya Vinogradov, Subhroshenkar Ghosh, Thomas Barthelmé

Fellowships and institutes

Institute Award Apply by Recipients

Temporary positions

Institution Name/type Apply by Offers/recipients
U Alberta* wyman Matthew Wiersma
U British Columbia* ubs-pims postdoc
U Waterloo* PD in Geo/Top Dec 14 Ákos Nagy (offer on Feb 2)


Key:   (W1) assistant professor   (W2) associate professor   (W3) professor

A shortlist reported on this wiki is the list of candidates who were invited to give a talk ("Einladung zum Vorstellungsvortrag"); the order of the names has no significance. Official rankings of candidates ("Listenplätze"), if known, are indicated by a number in parentheses after a name, or they are implied by the order in which candidates who received offers ("Rufe") are listed.

Preferred sorting order of names: Offers and acceptances in chronological order, followed by all other invited candidates in alphabetical order.

Long-term/temp W positions

Faculty searches in Germany do not follow the academic year schedule and sometimes take very long. We continue to collect information about these faculty positions (for jobs with deadlines before July 2015) in the Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2014-2015 or pages corresponding to earlier years (use the navigation sidebar).


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
RWTH Aachen (econ) optim (W3) Sep 30, 2015 offer
RWTH Aachen uncert quant (W3) Mar 7, 2016 offer
RWTH Aachen algebra (W3) Jun 3, 2016 G. Fourier, O. Yakimova, I. Burban, A. Nickel,...
RWTH Aachen mathematical data science (W2, 5y) Jun 6, 2016 Oliver Schaudt
U Augsburg numerics (W3) Oct 5, 2015 Daniel Peterseim , T. Wick, D. Praetorius, C. Engwer, T. Richter, C. Ulrich
U Augsburg analysis (W2) Apr 30, 2016 Lisa Beck, Barbara Zwicknagl, Christian Seis, Peter Bella, Julian Fischer, Pavel Gurevich, ...
FU Berlin appl (W1) Mar 17, 2016 invitations sent
HU Berlin optim (W3) Jul 9, 2015 offer declined, D.R. Luke
TU Berlin appl (W2, 5yr) May 12, 2016 Barbara Zwicknagl
U Bielefeld Humboldt (*) William Crawley-Boevey [4]
U Bielefeld geom/top (W2) Jul 23, 2015 offer
U Bielefeld stoch anal (W1) 2015 shortlist
U Bielefeld numerics (W3) Mar 16, 2016 Tino Ullrich, Andreas Prohl, Lars Diening, Melina Freitag, Andre Uschmajew, Martin Stoll, ...
U Bochum numerics (W1) Oct 18, 2015 Markus Weimar
U Bonn Bonn Junior Fellows (2 W2, 5y) Oct 11, 2015 rejection (e-mail)
TU Braunschweig algo game thy (W1) Mar 31, 2016 Thomas Kesselheim
TU Braunschweig PDE (W2) Mar 31, 2016 Matthias Langer, Andreas Rätz, Dominic Breit, Andreas Väth, Michael Herrmann, Ida Zeppieri, Vasile Matioc, Marcus Waurick
U Bremen Analysis (W2) Apr 25, 2016 Anke Pohl
U Chemnitz financial (W2) Nov 2015 shortlist: M. Christiansen, D. Rudolf, A. Pichler; also invited: M. Papapantoleon, S. Tappe, O. Menkens
U Chemnitz economath (W2) Nov 2015 S. Borgwardt, T Hoheisel, M. Klimm, Michaels, Schewe, M. Schmidt, V. Shikhman
U Chemnitz Scientific Computing (W3) Jun 2016 Aland, Burstedde, Stoll, Pfluger, Kowalski, Engwer, Uschmajew, Freitag, Potschka, Garcke, Wick
U Cologne (e) stat / econometrics (W3) Nov 4, 2015 offer
U Cologne (cs) data sci (W3) Jan 22, 2016 offer
U Cottbus numer opt (W3) Dec 23, 2015 A. Fügenschuh, G. Wachsmuth, E. Klann, S. Körkel, Schlottbom, O. Kolb, S.M. Grad, C. Büskens


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Dortmund data anal, stat algo (W1) Sep 2015
U Dortmund numerics (W1) Sep 2015 position filled
U Dortmund num PDE (W3) Dec 2015 Daniel Peterseim , Kersten Schmidt, Thomas Richter, Ľubomír Baňas, Ludwig Gauckler, Christian Kreuzer, Carsten Gräser, Björn Stinner
U Düsseldorf algebra (W2) Sep 2015 Cupit-Foutou, Sambale, Chatzistamatiou, Fourier, Yakimova, Schmidt, Kloosterman, Tommasi, Halupczok
KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt sci comp (W3) Jul 7, 2015 Armin Fügenschuh, Götz Pfander, Markus Grasmair, Daniel Robertz, Peter Kritzer, Brigitte Forster-Heinlein [5]


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Göttingen numerics (W1) Jul 7, 2015 Christoph Lehrenfeld
FernU Hagen discrete anal (W1) Feb 14, 2016 offer
U Halle-Wittenberg appl anal (W3) Aug 28, 2015 Michael Dreher; T. Dohnal
U Halle-Wittenberg stoch (W3) Mar 11, 2016 shortlist
U Hamburg imaging (W1) Jul 23, 2015 Christina Brandt
U Hamburg Sci Comp (W3) Aug, 2016 Jewgeni Starikow, Carsten Burstedde, Michael Dumbser, Gregor Gassner, Jochen Garcke, Dirk Pflüger, Olga Shishkina
U Hannover numerics (W3) Oct 17, 2015 Dirk Praetorius, Daniel Peterseim ', Sven Beuchler,
U Hannover applied (W2, 5y) Oct 17, 2015 Emil Wiedemann, Kathrin Padberg-Gehle, Jan Gieselmann, Mathias Wilke, Bogdan Matioc, Barbara Zwicknagl, Thomas Wick, Christian Stinner [6]
U Hannover pure (W1) Feb 12, 2016 Lynn Heller
U Heidelberg numerics (W3) May 27, 2016 Andreas Bonito, Dmitry Fedosov, Helmut Harbrecht, Gitta Kutyniok, Mario Ohlberger, Daniel Peterseim, Robert Scheichl, Boris Vexler
U Heidelberg pure (W1) Beatrice Pozzetti [7]
U Heidelberg top, geom (W3) Nov 2, 2015 Thomas Schick [8], Peter Albers
TU Ilmenau probab, stat (W2) Mar 31, 2016 offer
U Jena Heisenberg (*) Tobias Oertel-Jäger
TU Kaiserslautern Representation theory (W1) 2015 Caroline Lassueur
TU Kaiserslautern econo- and school maths (W3) Apr 22, 2016 S. Ruzika
U Kassel Analysis and Appl. Math (W2) 2016 F. Lindner
Karlsruhe IT (econ) stoch opt (W3) Mar 18, 2016 S. Rebennack
Karlsruhe IT sci comp (W3) Apr 1, 2016 Bernd Flemisch, Christian Engwer, Kersten Schmidt, Martin Frank, Tobias Weinzierl, Illia Horenko
Karlsruhe IT inverse prob, opt (W3) Apr 10, 2016 Armin Lechleiter, Thorsten Hohage, Thomas Schuster, Roland Herzog, Roland Griesmaier
U Konstanz stat/prob (W1) Apr 15, 2016 offer
U Leipzig all math (W1/tt) Jun 3, 2016 K. Adiprasito


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Mannheim optim (W3) Jan 24, 2016 Sascha Kurz, Sonja Steffensen, Karl Worthmann, Claudia Schillings, Falk Hante
TU Munich / Max Planck various (W2/W3/tt) Oct 28, 2015
TU Munich stoch dynamics (W2/tt) Oct 31, 2015
U Munich stoch (W2/tt) Apr 6, 2016
U Munich stoch/finance (W1) Apr 21, 2016
U Munich analysis/numerics (W2/tt) Jun 1, 2016 interviews complete
U Münster algebra, num thy (W2) Oct 15, 2015 Eugen Hellmann
U Münster operator alg (W1) Jan 15, 2016 Tim de Laat
U Oldenburg appl prob (W3) Oct 9, 2015 M.C. Christiansen
U Oldenburg analysis (W2) Oct 9, 2015 Oliver Matte, Michael Dreher, Jan Swoboda, Alexander Strohmaier, Jens Wirth, Oliver Rinne, Boris Vertman source
U Paderborn stoch (W2) Aug 21, 2015
U Paderborn applied (W3) Oct 12, 2015 Christian Kirches, Dirk Praetorius, Thomas Schuster
U Passau cryptography (W2) Nov 15, 2015 Jens Zumbrägel


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Rostock probability (W2) Oct 31, 2015 Holger Kösters
U Rostock func anal (W3) Jan 11, 2016 Dorothee Haroske
U Saarland algebra, geom (W3) Jan 15, 2016 Vladimir Lazić
U Tübingen diff geom, relativity (W1/tt) Jun 30, 2015 Carla Cederbaum [9]
U Tübingen math phys (W3) Jul 7, 2016 Marcello Porta
U Ulm stoch (W3 oL) Nov 6, 2015
U Würzburg PDEs (W1/tt) Nov 11, 2015 Barbara Zwicknagl

Other temporary positions

Institution Areas Type Apply by Short lists/offers
U Göttingen Postdoc Jul 22, 2015 Henry Bradford
U Göttingen [10] Number theory, asymptotic group theory Postdoc Dec 24, 2015

Rest of the World

Long-term positions

Country Institution Areas Apply by Short lists and offers
Austria U Innsbruck stoch (t) Aug 26, 2015 Siegfried Hörmann, ... [11]
Austria U Vienna financial (t) May 1, 2016
Austria Vienna U of Economics & Business Mathematics for Economics and Business March 13, 2016 invitations sent
Luxembourg U Luxembourg analysis (t) Sep 18, 2015 e-mail rejections
Netherlands U Utrecht geometry (t) Sep 18, 2015 Damaris Schindler
Netherlands U Nijmegen mathematics (t) Jun 21, 2015 Arne Smeets
New Zealand U Auckland probability (t) Dec 1, 2015 Alexandru Hening
Switzerland U Basel probability (t) February, 2017 Jiry Cerny
Switzerland ETH Zurich pure (6y) Sep 30, 2015
Switzerland ETH Zurich applied (6y) Jan 31, 2016 Interviews have taken place
UK Alan Turing Inst. applied Dec 15, 2015 Vidit Nanda
UK U Edinburgh analysis (t) Dec 9, 2016 Jonas Azzam [12]
UK U Glasgow pure (chair) Dec 6, 2015 Michael Wemyss
UK Queen Mary U London discrete (t) Feb 1, 2016
UK U Oxford (engr) opt 2015 Sina Ober-Blöbaum [13]
Japan OIST 2015
Singapore NUS 2015 Weiwei Wu, Khai T. Nguyen

Temporary positions

Country Institution Areas Type Apply by Short lists and offers
China Beijing Comp'l Sci Res Center* comp sci post doc (5) Nov 24, 2015
France "Excellence Laboratory" Milyon all research post doc at Lyon/Saint-Etienne Jan 15, 2016
Poland Polish Academy of Sciences math postdoc in an ERC project Apr 30, 2016
UK Imperial College London Chapman Fellowship in Mathematics Nov 27, 2015 Alexandru Hening

Mathematics jobs sites

This section is for web sites that are specific to mathematics employment. Do not list sites with general employment assistance or solicitations.

Other disciplines (wikis and job rumor sites)