Public University Salaries
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Revision as of 17:08, 22 September 2009 by Wiki Nonmoderator (Talk)
Here are links to databases of salaries of public employees of different states and universities. In order to stay useful, please only list complete databases of salaries with names, not salary ranges or anecdotal values. Also please only list databases that include major universities. Disabled databases should be removed.
Note: Different databases may use different definitions of salary. The listed numbers could range from base salary, to total compensation including grants.
These databases list all salaries of public university employees. It is not always obvious whether a university is public or private.
- Michigan State U (2008-09)
- Ohio State U (2008-09)
- Purdue U (2008-09)
- U Florida
- U Illinois (2008-09)
- Iowa State U/U Iowa (2008-09)
- U Kentucky (2008-09)
- U Maryland (2008-09)
- U Michigan
- U Minnesota (2008-09)