Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2009-2010

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Welcome to the Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2009-2010 research positions page. This page collects information about the academic mathematics job market: positions, short lists, offers, acceptances, etc. It lists positions at PhD-granting departments (including stat and applied math), and at departments that are research-oriented by other reasonable criteria. See the teaching positions page for more teaching-oriented academic math jobs.

To post news or corrections anonymously, please edit this wiki page yourself or send e-mail to It is better to first register, among other reasons to avoid the Captcha boxes, but you can also edit by IP number. Please send e-mail to to report evil postings, e.g. inaccurate information about yourself or other applicants, or if you want your name removed. Also, we are interested in information provided in good faith. Do not post wild hunches, and please respect the trust of your friends and colleagues.

Have you accepted a position? If so, it's a great courtesy to other job applicants to post that information here.

This site is currently supported by Matthias Koeppe, Greg Kuperberg, and Tao Mei. Tao reads the e-mail and he will keep the correspondence confidential as appropriate. Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that any information listed here is accurate; no warranty is expressed or implied. UC Davis and the UC Davis Math Department do not endorse this project and disavow any responsibility for the information on this wiki.



Departments   (a) applied (b) biomath/biostat (c) computational
(o) optimization/OR (p) physics/QCQI (s) statistics
* MathJobs position
Positions (p) merely preferred (t) tenured position (u) tenure-track
(o) open rank (n) n positions
Apply by (∞) open indefinitely (*) created position
Names italic offer bold accepted strike withdrawn/declined
... and others search completed

"Apply by" can mean a strict deadline, or full consideration, or something else. Expired deadlines may be replaced by the last deadline listed. See the ads for details.

United States

Long-term positions


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Air Force Tech all math Jan 11 Campus interviews scheduled
Arizona State U* all math Dec 4 rejections
Arizona State U* pure math Dec 4 rejections
Arizona State U* prob/stat Dec 4 rejections
Baylor U* applied (p) Nov 15 Campus interviews completed
Boise State U* applied Dec 16
Boise State U* pure Jan 15 phone interviews
Boise State U* logic Jan 1
Boston C* num thy/geom Dec 1 Toby Gee, Florian Herzig, Richard Kent, Yiannis Sakellaridis
Boston U* stochastic Jan 2
Boston U* alg geom/rep thy Jan 2 canceled □
Brown U (a)* scicomp/bio Nov 7
Caltech* various Jan 1 Matthew Bainbridge, Sam Payne
Caltech* applied Feb 28 Lek-Heng Lim, Jonathan Weare
Case Western Res U* applied PDE (p) Dec 31 Yingda Cheng, Kay Kirkpatrick, , Fernando Guevara Vasquez
Case Western Res U* all math Dec 31 Pierre Albin, Tao Mei
CCNY* stat (2) Jan 16
CCNY* all math (3) Jan 30 Jiri Lebl
CCNY* senior Feb 17
Clark U stat Nov 1
Clarkson U applied (2)  ? filled □
Clemson* algebra Dec 31 canceled □
Clemson* analysis Dec 31 Daniel Toundykov
Clemson* biomath Dec 31 canceled □
Clemson* computational Dec 31 canceled □
Clemson* OR Dec 31 Pietro Belotti, Churlzu Lim, James Ostrowski
Clemson* statistics Dec 31 Robertas Gabrys, Josh Habiger, Jingjing Wu
Duke U (s)* stat Dec 9 Vasileios Maroulas
Emory U (c)* biocomp Dec 1
Emory U* comp num thy Dec 1
Florida International U all math Nov 30 Wei Wang, Zhengfu Xu
George Washington U* analysis Dec 1 filled □
Georgia Tech* math/stat Oct 1 Thomas Bieske, Yekaterina Epshteyn, Shamgar Gurevich, Xia Hua, Lek-Heng Lim, Karim Lounici, Pavlo Pylyavskyy, Robert Young, Josephine Yu
Illinois Tech (a)* applied/stat Nov Vasileios Maroulas
Illinois State U stat  ?
Indiana U, Bloomington* all math (≥1) Dec Matthew Bainbridge, Shamgar Gurevich, Andrew Putman, Karl Schwede
IUPUI* applied Nov 1
IUPUI* biostat  ?
Iowa State U* discrete/comp (p) Nov 2 filled □
Johns Hopkins U* all math (t) Dec 1
Kansas State U* analysis/applied Nov 1 Nick Constanzino, Maria Gualdani, Hrant Hakobyan, Tao Mei
Kansas State U (s) biostat Jan 1
Kent State U anal  ?


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Lehigh U* stat/prob Nov 15
Louisiana State U* various Jan 2 Mark Colarusso, Juhi Jang, Richard Kent, Richard Oberlin, Andrew Putman, Karl Schwede, Jiajun Wang
Louisiana State U* sci comp Dec 1 Yingda Cheng, Jason Howell, Xuemin Tu, Shawn Walker
MIT* math/stat Dec 1 Lek-Heng Lim, Sug Woo Shin
Miami U, Ohio* geom/topol, ODE (2) Dec 1 Daniel Farley, Anna Ghazaryan, Richard Kent, Eduardo Martinez-Pedroza, Xiangdong Xie
Michigan Tech stat Nov 16 Andreas Artemiou, Adam Rothman, Joanne Song
Michigan Tech education Dec 1 Maryann Huey, Jennifer Kaminski, Amanda Lambertus □
Missouri S&T U* applied (2) Nov 15 Yingda Cheng, Xiaoming He, Hongyu Liu, Fernando Guevara Vasquez, Yanzhi Zhang
Missouri S&T U stat Dec 1
NYU, Courant Institute* stat/comp (p) Dec 18
North Carolina State U* analysis Dec 15 Shamgar Gurevich, Pavlo Pylyavskyy
Northeastern U* all math Nov 1 Christopher Beasley, Lydia Bieri, Pavlo Pylyavskyy, Xiaofeng Sun, Johannes Walcher [1]
Northeastern U* math/cs (t) Nov 15
Northwestern U* all math Nov 1 filled □
Ohio State U* all math Nov 16 Tim Austin, Gregg Musiker, Pavlo Pylyavskyy, Josephine Yu
Ohio State U* biomath Nov 16 Cecilia Diniz Behn, Adriana Dawes, Christian Laing
Pennsylvania State U* various (p)(2) Nov 23 Karl Schwede
Purdue U* biomath Nov 15
Purdue U (s) biostat Dec 1
Rice U* number thy (p) Nov 15 Amanda Folsom, Florian Herzig, Sam Payne, Andrew Putman, Karl Schwede rejections, shortlist complete
Rutgers U, New Brunswick* diff geom/applied (p) (t)  ? Lydia Bieri, Search is complete
Rutgers U, New Brunswick* diff geom/applied (p) Nov 1 Amanda Folsom
Rutgers U, Newark* various Nov 16 Tullia Dymarz, Richard Kent, Yiannis Sakellaridis, Xiaowei Wang
Southern Methodist U applied/comp (p) Dec 18 Yingda Cheng, Yekaterina Epshteyn
Stony Brook U* all math (3) Jan 1 Tim Austin, Matthew Bainbridge, Hans Christianson, Richard Kent, Alex Kontorovich, Sam Payne, Boris Shoikhet
Syracuse U* stat (p) Nov 15
Syracuse U* geom/topol (p) Nov 15
Temple U* all math  ? Pierre Albin, Yekaterina Epshteyn, Boris Gershgorin, Vasiliy Dolgushev? [2]
Texas A&M all math Dec 15
Texas Tech U all math  ? Shawn Walker


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Alabama modern analysis  ? Tao Mei, Serban Costea, Quanlei Fang
U Alabama, Birmingham* various  ?
U Arizona* education (t) Dec 1 Matthew Felton
U Arizona* all math Dec 1 Bryden Cais, Yang Feng, Anna Ghazaryan, Thomas Laurent, Joanne Song, Yekaterina Epshteyn, Leo Tzou Paul Edlefsen, Hao "Helen" Zhang, Benno Rumpf,

Miro Kolesik

U Arkansas* all math Dec 9 Cristina Caputo, Jason DeBlois, Maria Gualdani, Diego Moreira
U California, Los Angeles* all math Dec 9
U California, Merced applied Jan 15
U California, Riverside* applied Feb 15 Thomas Laurent
U California, Santa Barbara* education Dec 1 search is now over
U Central Florida all  ? Yingda Cheng, Xuemin Tu, Tao Mei, offer made (computation position)
U Cincinnati* num anal/fin/stat/ed(p) Dec 15 rejection e-mails
U Chicago pure math (t)  ? Ngo Bao Chau [3]
U Chicago applied/stat Jan 15 Lek-Heng Lim
U Colorado, Boulder (a)* applied Oct 2 interviews
U Denver* various (p) Jan 11 Marius Ionescu
U Florida combin, prob (2) Jan 1 Megan Owen, ...
U Idaho Analysis Linh Nuyen, Murugiah Muraleetharan
U Illinois, Chicago* math/stat Nov 16 Pierre Albin, Yekaterina Epshteyn, Florian Herzig, Richard Kent, Vasileios Maroulas, Gennady Shaikhet, canceled □
U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign* all math (o) Nov 13
U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign* all math (u) Nov 13 Pierre Albin, Florian Herzig, Kay Kirkpatrick, Benjamin Miller, Sam Payne, Josephine Yu,
U Kansas numer analysis Nov 15 Yingda Cheng, Hongyu Liu, Xuemin Tu, Yanzhi Zhang
U Kentucky* geom/top, anal (p) Nov 15 Pierre Albin, Vigleik Angeltveit, Katharine Ott, Kathleen Ponto, Andrew Putman
U Louisville applied comb/prob Nov 1 Csaba Biró, Mitch Keller, Kevin Milans, Vasileios Maroulas


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Maryland* algebra/applied (p) Oct 15 Pierre Albin, Maria Cameron, Yekaterina Epshteyn, Shamgar Gurevich, Florian Herzig, Andrew Putman, Hisham Sati, Kay Kirkpatrick, Amin Gholampour
U Memphis all math  ? Ryan Martin, Bentuo Zheng, Zhigang Li
U Miami* geom/anal, biomath (p)  ?
U Michigan* sci comp Dec 15 Yingda Cheng, Kay Kirkpatrick, Lek-Heng Lim, Jonathan Weare
U Michigan* all math Nov 1 Pierre Albin
U Minnesota* all math Dec 1 Louis-Pierre Arguin, Tullia Dymarz, Anna Ghazaryan, Juhi Jang, Lek-Heng Lim, Gregg Musiker, Sam Payne, Pavlo Pylyavskyy
U Minnesota, Rochester education Dec 15
U Missouri, Columbia* algebra/alg geom Nov 20 Calin Chindris, Amin Gholampour, Karl Schwede
U Missouri, Kansas City applied, stat (2) Nov 2
U Nebraska, Lincoln* analysis Nov 16 Pierre Albin, Hans Christianson, Kay Kirkpatrick, Daniel Toundykov
U North Carolina, Chapel Hill* analysis, geometry Dec 1 Pierre Albin, Hans Christianson, Jeremy Marzuola, Frédéric Rochon
U North Texas* stat Nov
U Oklahoma* all math Nov 15 Hans Christianson, Anna Ghazaryan, Juhi Jang, Eric Katz, Ameya Pitale, Kathleen Ponto
U Oregon* probability Dec 15 Mohammud Foondun, Matt Kahle
U Pittsburgh* algebra Nov 15 Amanda Folsom, Amin Gholampour, Gregg Musiker
U Pittsburgh* geom/topol Nov 15 Vigleik Angeltveit, Matthew Bainbridge, Jason DeBlois, Andrew Putman
U Pittsburgh* sci comp Nov 15 Shawn W. Walker, Yanzhi Zhang, Michael Neilan
U South Carolina* applied (t) Nov 30
U Tennessee* probability Dec 1 Mohammud Foondun, Vasileios Maroulas
U Tennessee (b)* biomath Nov 13
U Texas, Austin* all math Dec 31 Amanda Folsom, Florian Herzig, Sam Payne
UTB/TSC* math/stat Nov 1
U Texas, Dallas* topology (p)/stat Dec 1
U Utah* all math, stat  ? Florian Herzig, Christel Hohenegger, Sam Payne
U Wisconsin, Madison* all math Jan 2 Scott Armstrong, Tullia Dymarz, Shamgar Gurevich, Richard Kent, Sam Payne, Andrew Putman


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
Washington U, St. Louis* pure math (2) Oct 20 Jason DeBlois, Vasiliy Dolgushev, Richard Kent, Matthew Kerr, Alvaro Pelayo, Pasha Pylyavskyy, Frederic Rochon, Karl Schwede, search concluded
Wayne State U anal/alg (p) Dec 1 Calin Chindris, Lina Lee, Tao Mei, Richard Oberlin, Karl Schwede
Worcester Poly* biostat/applied stat Dec 1
Yale U* all math Dec 15 Amanda Folsom, Florian Herzig, Alex Kontorovich, Nicolas Templier

Fellowships and institutes

Institute Award Apply by Recipients/offers
AAAS Policy Fellow Dec 15
AWM* Michler Prize Nov 1 Patricia Hersh
Clay Research Oct 30 Tim Austin
MSRI* Random Matrix Prof Oct 1
MSRI* Random Matrix Member Dec 1
MSRI* Random Matrix Postdoc Dec 1 Anna Zemlyanova
MSRI* Inverse Prob Prof Oct 1
MSRI* Inverse Prob Member Dec 1
MSRI* Inverse Prob Postdoc Dec 1
MSRI* Free Boundary Prof Oct 1
MSRI* Free Boundary Member Dec 1
MSRI* Free Boundary Postdoc Dec 1 offers
MSRI* Arithmetic Prof Oct 1
MSRI* Arithmetic Member Dec 1
MSRI* Arithmetic Postdoc Dec 1
MSRI* Complem Member Dec 1
MSRI* Complem Postdoc Dec 1
NSF Postdoctoral Oct 20 offers, rejections
Santa Fe Omidyar Nov 2

Temporary positions


Institution Name/type Apply by Offers
ASU* postdoctoral Jan 15 rejections
Baylor U* postdoctoral Nov 15 Matthew Beauregard
Boston C* geom/topol Jan 1 filled □
Boston U* number thy Jan 2 canceled □
Boston U* dynam sys Jan 2 interviews/short list
Brandeis U* string geom Dec 15 filled □
Brandeis U* Lecturer Dec 1 filled □
Brown U* Tamarkin Dec 1 short list, rejections
Brown U (a)* Karniadakis: biomath  ?
Caltech* Taussky-Todd Jan 1 offers
Caltech* Bateman Jan 1 offers
Caltech* Senior Research Jan 1
Caltech Prize Dec 1 Helge Krueger
Caltech (p) quantum info Dec 1
Carnegie Mellon U* finance Jan 10 filled □
Carnegie Mellon U* ICTI-CMU: applied Jan 15
Carnegie Mellon U* CNA PDEs Jan 15 offers/shortlist
Colorado State U* energy Dec 1
Columbia U* Ritt  ? filled □
Cornell U* probability Jan 1 Benjamin Steinhurst
Dartmouth C* Young Jan 5 Search on hold until April
Duke U* Res Asst Prof Dec 1 filled □
Fordham U* Peter M. Curran Mar 22
Harvard U* Preceptor Dec 6 Search Complete
Harvard U* Benjamin Peirce Dec 6 rejections
Indiana U, Bloomington* Zorn Dec 15 filled □
Iowa State U* Lecturer Oct 15
Iowa State U* Lecturer Oct 15
Johns Hopkins U* Sylvester Dec 1 Guoyi Xu
Kansas State U* Visiting Asst Prof Nov 30 phone interviews


Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers
Lehigh U* Pitcher/Hsiung Nov 15
Louisiana State U* CCT: sci comp Dec 1
MIT* Moore/Instructor Dec 1 offers
Michigan State U* energy Feb 15
Michigan Tech* Vis Asst Prof Jan 15
North Carolina State U* appl alg geom Jan 1
NYU, Courant Institute* Courant Dec 18 final list / rejections
NYU, Courant Institute* Clinical Faculty Dec 18
Northwestern U* Vis Asst Prof  ? filled □
Northwestern U* Boas Dec 1 filled □
Ohio State U (b)* Early Career Dec 16
Ohio State U (b)* Postdoctoral Dec 16
Ohio State U* Zassenhaus/Ross Jan 4
Oregon State U* visiting/postdoc Feb 25 short list
Pennsylvania State U* Chowla Nov 23
Princeton U* various Dec 1 Michael Damron, rejections
Princeton U (o)* stochastic anal Nov 1
Princeton U (o)* stochastic anal Jan 1
Purdue U* Golomb Nov 15 offers
Rice U* Evans/VIGRE Lovett Nov 15
Rice U (a)* applied  ?
Rutgers U* Hill Dec 1 one filled
Rutgers U* Non-tenure-track Dec 1
Stanford U* Szego Dec 15 filled □
Stony Brook* Lecturer Jan 1 offers
Syracuse U* Church Jan 31
Temple U* applied Jan 1
Texas A&M U Vis Asst Prof Dec 15 Anna Zemlyanova
Tufts U* geom/topol Dec 15 filled □
Tufts U* inverse probs Dec 15


Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers
U Arizona* Intel Math education Dec 31
U Arizona* ATI education Dec 1
U Arizona* Vis Asst Prof Dec 1
U Arizona* ATI education Dec 31 Cody L. Patterson
U Arizona* Lecturer Dec 1
U California, Berkeley* Morrey/FRG/RTG Jan. 12 filled □
U California, Davis* Krener/VIGRE Nov 30 Steven Klee filled □
U California, Irvine* Vis Asst Prof Nov 1 Guoyi Xu
U California, Los Angeles* Adjunct/Research Dec 9 filled □
U California, Los Angeles* PIC Adjunct Dec 9 filled □
U California, Los Angeles* Hedrick Dec 9 filled □
U California, Los Angeles* CAM applied Dec 9
U California, Riverside* lecturer Jan 15
U California, Santa Barbara* Fan Dec 21 Guoyi Xu, rejections
U Chicago* Dickson/asst prof Dec 1 offers
U Connecticut* Postdoctoral Fellow March 31
U Connecticut* Postdoc/Actuarial March 31
U Illinois, Chicago* res asst prof Dec 31 offers
U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign* Doob Dec 4 filled □
U Iowa* vis asst prof (u) Nov 9 filled □
U Iowa* vis asst prof (o) Nov 9


Institution Name/Type Apply by
U Maryland* Postdoctoral Oct 15
U Massachusetts Amherst* res associate (s) Dec 16
U Michigan* Lecturer III Nov 1
U Michigan* Hildebrandt/asst prof Dec 15 Weiyi Zhang, Karola Mészáros, Ricky Liu
U Michigan* RAP nanoscale comp Dec 15
U Minnesota* Dunham Jackson Dec 1 Jang Soo Kim
U Minnesota/IMA* IMA fellowship  ? offers
U Missouri-Columbia* postdoctoral Oct 19
U Nebraska-Lincoln* IMMERSE summer Dec 1
U Nebraska-Lincoln* res asst prof Nov 16
U North Carolina, Chapel Hill* biomath Dec 31
U Notre Dame* NSF FRG Jan 15
U Oklahoma* postdoctoral  ? Erin Pearse
U Oregon* vis asst prof Jan 15
U Pennsylvania* various Jan 4 offers
U Rochester* vis asst prof Nov 15 rejections, phone interviews
U Southern California* temp asst prof Dec 1 Walter Rusin
U Tennessee* postdoctoral Jan 1 Walter Rusin
U Tennessee (b)* NIMBioS Sep 1/Mar 1
U Texas, Austin* various Dec 31 filled □
U Texas, El Paso applied/stat  ?
U Utah* NIGMS biomath  ?
U Utah* various  ? Moshe Adrian
U Wisconsin-Madison* Van Vleck Jan 2 offers


Institution Name/Type Apply by Short lists/offers
Vanderbilt U* Non-tenure-track Dec 1 Walter Rusin, filled □
Washington U in St. Louis* Chauvenet Jan 1 filled □
Worcester Poly* Vis Asst Prof Jan 1
Yale U* Gibbs Jan 1 filled □


Long-term positions

Institution Areas Apply by Short list / Offers
Carleton U applied prob Dec 1 Vasileios Maroulas , Gennady Shaikhet
Concordia U geometry Nov 2 Amin Gholampour, Karl Schwede
McGill U* numer anal Jan 8
McMaster U* algebra/number thy Oct 1 Bryden Cais
U Alberta* number thy Nov 13
U Alberta* finance Nov 13
U Alberta* algebra Nov 13 filled □
U Alberta* fluid dynam Nov 13
U British Columbia* various (p) Nov 15 Florian Herzig, Richard Kent, Tadahiro Oh, Andrew Putman, Nicolas Templier, Leo Tzou, two pending offers
U Toronto* arith alg geom Dec 20 Florian Herzig (≥2011)
U Toronto, Mississauga* various CRC  ? offers
U Toronto, Scarborough* various Jan 17 Shamgar Gurevich
U Waterloo (o)* oper res Dec 11

Fellowships and institutes

Institute Award Apply by Recipients
AARMS Postdoctoral Dec 15
CRM-ISM Postdoctoral Dec 1
Fields* Dynamics Postdoc Dec 18
Fields* Geom Anal Postdoc Dec 18 Offers
MITACS Industrial Postdoc Jan 31
PIMS* Postdoctoral Dec 15 Moshe Adrian, Abhijnan Rej, ...

Temporary positions

Institution Name/type Apply by Offers/recipients
Dalhousie U Killam/AARMS Dec 15
McMaster U* Protas: fluid dynam Jan 4
McMaster U* Postdoctoral Jan 4
McMaster U* Craig: analysis Jan 4
McMaster U* Britton: geom/topol Jan 4
McMaster U* biomath Jan 4
Queen's U* Coleman Jan 8
U Alberta geom/physics Nov 15
U British Columbia* Postdoctoral Dec 1 Ori Gurel-Gurevich, Walter Rusin, Ian Zwiers
U Lethbridge* number thy Nov 15
U Ottawa* Postdoctoral Jan 15 rejections
U Waterloo (p)* quantum info Nov 15
U Western Ontario (a)* biomath/applied Feb 28


Key:   (W1) assistant professor   (W2) associate professor   (W3) professor

Long-term/temp W positions

We also continue to collect information about the faculty positions in Germany that were filled after the beginning of the fall semester 2008, but before or at the beginning of the fall semester 2009; this belongs in the Mathematics Jobs Wiki 2008-2009.


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
RWTH Aachen sci comp (W2) Oct 2, 2009 Lars Grasedyck [4]
U Augsburg financial (W2) Apr 16, 2009
U Augsburg diff geom (W3) Oct 31, 2008 Bernhard Hanke [5]
U Augsburg algebra / num thy (W2) June 30, 2009
U Augsburg numer anal / sci comp (W2) Oct 15, 2009
U Augsburg nonlin anal (W3) Nov 1, 2009
U Bayreuth real anal/PDE (W3) May 20, 2009
U Bayreuth num thy (W3) June 22, 2009 Kathrin Bringmann [6]
U Bayreuth applied (W2) Sep 15, 2009
U Bayreuth algeb geom (W2) Oct 15, 2009
U Bayreuth appl anal (W3) Apr 23, 2010
FU Berlin analysis, geom, math phys (W1) ≤ 2008 [7]
FU Berlin num PDE (W1) Jan 25, 2010
HU Berlin statistics (W3) Oct 9, 2008
HU Berlin math phys (W3) Oct 15, 2008 Matthias Staudacher [8], Niklas Beisert, Ralph Blumenhagen, Ron Donagi, Michael Gutperle, Jörg Teschner [9]
HU Berlin statistics (W1) Apr 9, 2009
HU Berlin appl stoch (W3) Jan 15, 2010
TU Berlin applied / photovoltaic (W2) Oct 15, 2009
TU Berlin func anal ≤ 2008 Birgit Jacob [10]
U Bielefeld math phys (W2) Mar 20, 2009 Etienne Emmrich
U Bielefeld algebra (W2) Sep 16, 2009 Kai-Uwe Bux
U Bochum alg geom (W3) ≤ 2008 Jörg Winkelmann [11], Jörg Winkelmann [12]
MPI Bonn alg/geom (p) (W2) Oct 31, 2009 Amin Gholampour
U Bonn all math (W3) (4) "Hausdorff"
U Bonn all math (W2) (several) Nov 20, 2009 Ulrich Derenthal [13], Ozgur Ceyhan, Amin Gholampour
U Bonn sci comp/simul (W2) Sep 15, 2009 Massimo Fornasier
U Bonn discrete opt (W1/tt) Jan 5, 2010 Stefan Ruzika, Stephan Held, Andreas Karrenbauer, Andreas Bley [14]
U Bonn applied (W3) Jan 31, 2010
TU Braunschweig appl anal (W3) Apr 30, 2009
U Bremen analysis (W2) Mar 20, 2009
TU Chemnitz Fourier anal (W1) Aug 21, 2009
U Cologne applied (W2) Oct 31, 2008 Maria Neuss-Radu, Wilhelm Huisinga, Matthias Röger, Nicole Marheineke, Stefan Siegmund, Christian Pötzsche [15]
U Cologne geom/topol (W2) Mar 31, 2009 Stefan Friedl [16], Richard Weidmann, Thomas Vogel (LMU Munich), Janko Latschev, Chris Wendl [17], Michael Eisermann [18]
U Cologne num thy (W2) Feb 22, 2010
U Cologne applied (2 W3) Apr 9, 2010
U Cottbus financial/actuarial (W3) Aug 20, 2009


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
TU Darmstadt modeling (W2) Oct 10, 2009
TU Darmstadt sci comp (W3) ≤ 2008 Eberhard Bänsch [19], Karsten Urban [20]
TU Dortmund disc opt (W3) 2008 Ekkehard Köhler, Christoph Buchheim (2) [21], Marco Lübbecke (3),

Mirjam Dür, Arie M.C.A. Koster, Michael Joswig, Benjamin Doerr, Annegret Wagler, Marc E. Pfetsch [22]

TU Dortmund pure (W3) Nov 13, 2009 Ingrid Bauer-Catanese, Urs Hartl, Christian Haase, Karim Johannes Becher, Christopher Voll, Barbara Baumeister, Nils Scheithauer, Detlev Hoffmann, Kathrin Bringmann [23]
TU Dortmund (s) econometrics, stat (W3) Oct 31, 2009 Bernd Fitzenberger, Martin Wagner, Ralf Münnich, Mark Trede, Stefan Hoderlein [24]
TU Dresden applied (W1) May 19, 2009
U Duisburg-Essen analysis (W3) expired offer [25]
U Duisburg-Essen stoch (W3) ≤ 2008 offer (May 2009) [26], Peter Eichelsbacher (Aug 2009) [27]
U Duisburg-Essen stoch (W3) ≤ 2008 Mark Podolskij [28] [29]
U Duisburg-Essen alg geom (W2) Mar 19, 2009 Georg Hein [30]
U Duisburg-Essen stoch (W3) Mar 25, 2010
U Düsseldorf numerical ≤ 2008 Jörg Liesen [31], Achim Schädle, Michael Breuß, Sven Beuchler, Markus Bause, Matthias Ehrhardt [32]
U Düsseldorf stoch (W2) Apr 2, 2009 Peter Kern, Bero Roos, Frederik Herzberg, Johannes Leitner, Axel Gandy, Eva Löcherbach, Alexander Meister [33]
U Düsseldorf PDE (W3) Apr 30, 2009 Michael Westdickenberg, Helmut Abels, Hannes Uecker, Daniel Grieser, László Székelyhidi Jr., Georg Weiss, Matthias Eller, Ralph Chill, Eva Fasangová [34]
U Düsseldorf pure/alg geom (W2) Apr 30, 2009 Manuel Blickle, Matthias Schütt, Ingrid Bauer, Christopher Voll, Sascha Orlik, Stefan Gille, Michael Lönne, Igor Burban, Georg Hein [35]
U Erlangen-Nürnberg math modeling (W2) Nov 30, 2009
U Erlangen-Nürnberg applied/sci comp (W2) Dec 15, 2008 Wolfgang Achtziger [36]
U Erlangen-Nürnberg algebra/discrete (W3) Nov 15, 2008 Karl-Hermann Neeb [37]
U Erlangen-Nürnberg optimization (W3) Nov 15, 2008 Alexander Martin [38], Ulrich Pferschy [39]
U Erlangen-Nürnberg biomath (W3) Apr 16, 2010
U Frankfurt geom/top (W3) Jan 1, 2009 Martin Möller [40]
U Frankfurt algebra/num thy (W2) Jan 1, 2009
U Frankfurt analysis (W2) Aug 13, 2009
U Frankfurt algebra/num thy (W2) Mar 18, 2010
TU Freiberg sci comp (W2/tt) Jan 27, 2009
U Freiburg pure (W1) ≤ 2008 Matthias Schütt [41]
U Freiburg logic ≤ 2008 Martin Grohe [42], Matthias Aschenbrenner [43]
U Freiburg pure / analysis ≤ 2008 Reiner Schätzle [44]
U Freiburg pure ≤ 2008 Guofang Wang [45] [46]
U Freiburg geometry (W3) Apr 16, 2009


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Gießen analysis (W2) ≤ 2008 Michael Winkler, Mohameden Ould Ahmedou
U Gießen algebra (W2) Sep 18, 2009
U Göttingen alg geom, num thy (W3) Dec 15, 2008 Wolfgang Lück [47], Jörg Brüdern [48], Michael McQuillan, Sergey Shadrin [49]
U Göttingen comb opt (W1) May 26, 2008 Bodo Manthey, Stefan Ruzika, Silvia Schwarze [50], Tobias Harks [51], Sebastian Stiller, Stefan Westphal [52]
U Göttingen PDE (W3) July 31, 2009 Gerlind Plonka-Hoch [53], Massimo Fornasier
U Göttingen cont optim (W2) expired Russell Luke [54]
U Greifswald applied (W2) June 4, 2009
U Greifswald stat (W1) 2009 Mikhail Langovoy (Eindhoven) [55], Katy Klauenberg, Pierre-Yves Louis [56]
U Greifswald stat (W1) Jan 31, 2010
FernU Hagen numer math (W3) Sep 10, 2009
U Hamburg optim (W3) ≤ 2008 Volker Schulz [57], René Pinnau [58]
U Hamburg symp geom (W2) Mar 15, 2009 Paul-Andi Nagy, Georg Hein, Peter Albers, Oliver Baues, Stefan Waldmann, Priska Jahnke, Vsevolod Shevchishin, Janko Latschev, Chris Wendl
U Hamburg discrete (W2) Feb 18, 2010
TU Hamburg-Harburg applied (W3) expired Karsten Urban [59] [60]
U Hannover actuarial/financial (W1) Dec 6, 2009
U Heidelberg stat (W3) ≤ 2008 Tilmann Gneiting [61]
U Heidelberg applied (W3) ≤ 2008 Ansgar Jüngel (Dec 2008) [62] [63], Arnd Scheel (Nov 2009) [64]
U Heidelberg pure math (W3) Oct 17, 2008 Daniel Huybrechts (Nov 2008) [65], Christoph Böhm [66], Alexander Schmidt [67]
U Heidelberg pure math (W3) Mar 27, 2009 Gebhard Böckle [68]
U Heidelberg sci comp (W3) June 8, 2009 Manuel Torrilhon [69]
U Heidelberg stat (W3) July 30, 2009 Mark Podolskij [70]
U Heidelberg sci comp (W3) ≤ 2009 Katja Mombaur [71]
U Jena algebra (W1) Apr 30, 2009
TU Kaiserslautern diff-alg systems (W3) Dec 13, 2008 Bernd Simeon [72]
TU Kaiserslautern image proc (W3) Dec 13, 2008 Joachim Weickert [73], Massimo Fornasier [74]
TU Kaiserslautern sci comp (W3) Dec 13, 2008 Peter Maaß [75]
TU Kaiserslautern comp num thy (W2) Dec 13, 2008
TU Kaiserslautern comp stoch (W3) Dec 13, 2008 Klaus Ritter [76]
TU Kaiserslautern theor math (W3) Dec 15, 2008
KIT Karlsruhe geometry (W3) Oct 17, 2008 Andreas Gathmann [77]
KIT Karlsruhe applied/numer anal (W3) Dec 31, 2008 Robert Denk, Marlis Hochbruck [78]
KIT Karlsruhe PDE (W3) Oct 9, 2009 Andreas M. Hinz [79], Jürgen Saal [80], Helmut Abels [81], Matthias Hieber [82], ... [83]
KIT Karlsruhe geom group thy (W1) Nov 13, 2009
U Kiel algebra (W2) Nov 30, 2008 Thorsten Holm [84], Richard Weidmann [85]
U Kiel algebra (W3) ≤ 2008 Walter Gubler, Elisa Gorla, Stefan Gille, Thorsten Holm, Benjamin Klopsch, Istvan Heckenberger, Richard Weidmann [86]
U Koblenz-Landau applied (W2) Nov 5, 2009
U Konstanz diff geom (W3) ≤ 2008 Oliver Schnürer [87], Wilderich Tuschmann
U Leipzig applied (W3) Mar 26, 2009
U Leipzig stoch/financial (W1) May 20, 2009
U Leipzig numer PDE (W1) May 20, 2009
U Lübeck image proc (W2) Dec 18, 2008 Jan Modersitzki
U Lübeck math (W2) July 3, 2009
U Lübeck applied/image proc (W3) Aug 24, 2009


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Mainz analysis (W2) May 28, 2009 Tobias Lamm, Mohameden Ould Ahmedou, Stefan Fröhlich, Jens Hoppe, Ivan Veselić, Christian Fleischhack, Horst Heck, Oliver Schnürer [88]
U Mainz arith geom (W2/tt) May 4, 2009
U Mainz applied (W1) ≤ 2008 Olha Ivanyshyn, Thomas Richter, Thorsten Raasch, Dirk Lebiedz, Simone Göttlich [89]
U Mainz numerical (W3) Apr 1, 2007
U Mannheim economath (W3) Mar 25, 2010
U Marburg stoch (W3) ≤ 2008 Hans-Peter Scheffler (Mar 2008) [90], Martin Grothaus (Jun 2008) [91]
U Marburg global anal (W1) expired Pablo Ramacher [92]
U Marburg stoch (W2) Jan 2, 2009 Ilya Pavlyukevich, Steffen Dereich [93]
U Marburg algebra, Lie thy (W3) Aug 7, 2009 István Heckenberger [94]
TU Munich math phys (W3) Apr 1, 2009
TU Munich numer anal (W3) Apr 1, 2009 Manuel Torrilhon [95], Ansgar Jüngel [96], Massimo Fornasier [97]
TU Munich financial (W3) Apr 30, 2009
TU Munich numer PDE (W2) May 31, 2009
TU Munich comb opt (W2) June 29, 2009 Christoph Buchheim [98], Raymond Hemmecke (2) [99], Frauke Liers (3), Christian Haase, Rob van Stee, Annegret Wagler
TU Munich applied (W2) Jul 31, 2009
TU Munich dyn sys (W2) Jul 31, 2009
TU Munich financial (W2) Sep 15, 2009 Bertram Düring, Carlo Marinelli, Sandra Paterlini, Birgit Rudloff, Matthias Scherer, Ralf Werner
TU Munich probability (W3) Oct 9, 2009
TU Munich financial (W1) Nov 30, 2009
U Munich financial (W3) ≤ 2008 Francesca Biagini [100] [101], Christoph Kühn, Carlo Marinellli [102]
U Munich applied/stoch (W3) Oct 31, 2008
U Munich applied (W2) Dec 15, 2008 Anja Schlömerkemper, Thomas Østergaard Sørensen, Andreas Hinz, Christian Remling, Rupert Frank, Dorothee D. Haroske, Balint Farkas, Oliver Schnürer [103]
U Munich math (W2) Dec 15, 2008 Ulrich Derenthal [104], Marco Schlichting, Georg Hein, Werner Bley, Priska Jahnke, Niko Naumann [105]
U Munich applied (W2/tt) Jan 31, 2009 Marc Oliver Rieger, Manuel Torrilhon, Lars Diening, Anja Schlömerkemper, James A. Rossmanith, Caroline Lasser, Sven Beuchler [106]
U Munich math (W2) Jan 31, 2009 Igor Burban, Manuel Blickle, Michael Dettweiler, Walter Gubler, Sascha Orlik, Gabriele Link [107]
U Munich biostat (W3) expired Axel Munk [108]
U Munich stat (W2) Apr 14, 2009
U Munich applied/stoch (W2/tt) Apr 22, 2009
U Munich appl stat (W3) Jan 13, 2010
U Munich geom/phys (W1) Jan 31, 2010
U Munich stoch (W2/tt) Feb 12, 2010
U Münster math ≤ 2008 Stefan Gille [109], Walter Gubler [110], Benjamin Klopsch [111], Sascha Orlik [112]
U Münster topology ≤ 2008 Roman Sauer [113], Michael Eisermann [114], Simon King [115], Markus Szymik [116], Frank Lutz [117], Christian Ausoni [118]
U Münster logic (W2) June 19, 2009 Stefan Geschke [119], Achim Blumensath [120], Lutz Schröder [121], Benjamin Miller, Heike Mildenberger, Matthias Aschenbrenner [122]
U Münster theor math (W1/tt) Oct 15, 2009 Nikita Semenov [123], Jussi Behrndt [124], Frederik Witt [125], Oksana Yakimova [126], Florian Herzig [127], Bernardo Uribe Jongbloed [128]
U Münster logic/theor cs/algor graph thy (W1) Dec 31, 2009 André Schulz, Kevin Buchin [129]
U Münster appl anal (W3) Feb 1, 2010
U Münster appl PDE (W1/tt) Apr 11, 2010
U Münster theor math (2 W2) Apr 15, 2010
U Münster geom anal, diff geom (W2, 5y) Apr 15, 2010
U Oldenburg comp, discrete (W3) Mar 13, 2009
U Osnabrück appl, numer anal (W2) Dec 31, 2008 Lars Grasedyck [130], Stefan Kunis
U Osnabrück topology (W3) May 31, 2009
U Osnabrück combinat opt (W2) May 31, 2009
U Paderborn analysis (W2) Jan 28, 2009 interviews [131]
U Paderborn num thy (W2) Dec 5, 2008 Walter Gubler, Georg Hein, Ulrich Görtz, Sascha Orlik, Stefan Gille, Niko Naumann, Cristiana Bertolin, Florian Heß [132]
U Paderborn diff eqns (W2) Apr 10, 2010
U Passau image proc (W3) Nov 16, 2009
U Potsdam stat (W3) May 28, 2009
U Potsdam analysis (W3) May 28, 2009
U Potsdam modeling/sys bio (W3) May 28, 2009
U Potsdam PDE (W2) May 28, 2009


Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
U Regensburg geom/topol (W3) Apr 6, 2009 Thomas Geisser, Urs Hartl, Walter Gubler, Bernhard Hanke, Oliver Röndigs, Markus Banagl [133]
U Regensburg pure (2 W2) Oct 31, 2009 Olaf Müller (Regensburg), Tobias Lamm, Roman Sauer, Bernardo Uribe Jongbloed, Mohameden Ould Ahmedou, Denis Perrot (Lyon), Emanuele Macri, Nikolai Neumaier, Felipe Leitner, Jan Metzger, Felix Schulze, Markus Spitzweck, Clara Löh [134]
U Rostock alg/geom (W2) Nov 21, 2008 Christian Bey, Ralf Gramlich, Frank Lutz, Harm Pralle, Achill Schürmann, Konrad Swanepoel
U Rostock (econ) stat (W2) ≤ 2008 Thomas Kneib, Rafael Weißbach
U Saarland func anal (W3) May 5, 2009 Emiliano Cristiani, Aicke Hinrichs, Ralph Chill, Jussi Behrndt, Bálint Farkas, Wilhelm Winter, Sandra Pott, Gitta Kutyniok, Matthias Neufang, Roland Speicher [135]
U Saarland stoch (W1/tt) May 5, 2009 Henryk Zähle, Thorsten Dickhaus, Andreas Neuenkirch, Stefan Ankirchner, Frank Aurzada [136]
U Saarland appl anal (W1) Jan 18, 2010
U Saarland alg/geom (W2) Jan 18, 2010
U Saarland appl (W3) Feb 4, 2010
U Siegen stoch (W3) Aug 13, 2009
U Stuttgart math sys thy (W3) 2008 Lars Grüne [137], Oliver Junge [138], Angela Stevens, Tatjana Stykel [139]
U Stuttgart geom (W3) July 4, 2008 Ulrich Görtz [140], Uwe Semmelmann [141]
U Stuttgart alg/num thy (W3) July 4, 2008 Steffen Koenig [142], Wilderich Tuschmann, Irene Bouw, Valentin Blomer, Anton Deitmar, Bernhard Krötz, Sascha Orlik, Detlev Hoffmann, [143]
U Stuttgart stoch (W3) Apr 24, 2009 Ingo Steinwart [144], Barbara Rüdiger, Ilya Pavlyukevich, Volker Betz, Anita Winter, Vitali Wachtel, Peter Becker-Kern, Erika Hausenblas, Mark Podolskij [145]
U Stuttgart appl, numerical (W3) Apr 16, 2010
U Trier finance (W3) Feb 4, 2009 Marc Oliver Rieger [146]
U Tübingen diff geom (W3) May 2, 2009
U Ulm stoch (W1) Nov 30, 2008 Zakhar Kabluchko [147]
U Ulm actuarial (W1) Apr 22, 2009
U Ulm financial (W1) Apr 24, 2009 Mikhail Urusov [148]
U Ulm optim (W3) Sep 30, 2009
U Ulm actuarial (W1) Dec 3, 2009
U Ulm financial (W3) Apr 9, 2010
U Würzburg stoch/finance (W2) Jan 31, 2009 Tom Fischer [149]
U Würzburg sci comp (W3) Jan 31, 2009
U Würzburg sci comp (W2) Jan 15, 2010
U Würzburg geom anal, math phys (W3) Mar 1, 2010
U Wuppertal stoch/stat (W3) ≤ 2008 Christian Bender, Peter Eichelsbacher [150], Barbara Rüdiger [151]
U Wuppertal top/geom (W3) Oct 2, 2008
U Wuppertal func anal (W3) Oct 2, 2008 Birgit Jacob [152]
U Wuppertal alg/num thy (W3) May 8, 2009
U Wuppertal (b) appl stoch (W2) Mar 26, 2010

Other temporary positions

Institution Areas Apply by Short lists/offers
FU Berlin* combinat (postdoc)
U Bonn (Hausdorff Center) (postdoc)
MPI Leipzig (postdoc)

Rest of the World

Long-term positions

Country Institution Areas Apply by Short lists and offers
Albania U Vlora math finance (t)
Australia Australian Nat'l U (t) Pierre Albin, Frédéric Rochon Sam Payne
Australia U Adelaide pure (t)
Australia U Queensland all (o)
Australia U Sydney pure Aug 19 Anne Thomas
Austria IST Austria* all math (u) (∞)
Austria IST Austria* all math (t) (∞)
Austria TU Graz PDE (t) Nov 30
Austria U Graz algebra (t) Sep 6
Austria MU Leoben applied expired Stefan Siegmund
Austria TU Vienna stoch/finance (t) Mar 2009 Jan Kallsen [153]
Austria U Vienna algebra (t) 2008 Catharina Stroppel [154], Goulnara Arzhantseva [155], Gordan Savin, Ulrich Görtz, Karin Baur, Peter Fiebig, Gerhard Röhrle, Martin Kassabov [156]
Belgium UC Louvain discrete Jan 15 Amin Gholampour
Belgium UL Bruxelles comp stat (u) Mar 1
Belgium UL Bruxelles algebra (u) Mar 15
Chile U Talca all math (2) Mar 15
China CU Hong Kong all (1-2) Mar 15 Campus interviews scheduled
China Hong Kong UST* all math (several) Dec 31 Campus interviews scheduled
China Tsinghua U all math (2) 2010
Cyprus U Cyprus analysis Oct 12
Denmark U Aarhus math finance Mar 1
Denmark SDU Odense discrete Nov 30
France École Polytechnique all math (t) May 25
France École Polytechnique all math (u) (2) May 25
Italy ICTP Trieste pde/diffgeo/alggeo Aug 31
Korea KAIST* all math (o) (several) Nov 30
Korea Seoul Nat'l U all math Mar 22
Lebanon American U Beirut Atiya chair Feb 28
Netherlands RU Groningen algebra/geom Oct 1 Amin Gholampour
Netherlands U Twente prob, stat (t) Jan 15
New Zealand U Otago applied (u) Nov 6
New Zealand U Otago stat (u) Nov 6
Switzerland U Basel analysis 2008
Switzerland U Basel comp math 2008 Massimo Fornasier, ... [157]
Switzerland EPF Lausanne comp (several) Mar 1
Switzerland ETH Zurich algebra, top (p) (t) Apr 15
Switzerland ETH Zurich all math (2 u) Feb 28
Switzerland ETH Zurich finance (u) Feb 28
Switzerland ETH Zurich math phys Dec 15
Switzerland ETH Zurich applied Dec 15
Switzerland ETH Zurich oper res Mar 2009 Robert Weismantel [158]
Switzerland U Zurich probability/stat Jan 2009 Ashkan Nikeghbali [159]
Switzerland U Zurich pure (u) Mar 13
Taiwan Nat'l Cheng Kung U several (o) Feb 10
Taiwan Nat'l Chiao Tung U (a) several (o) Feb 15
Taiwan Nat'l Taiwan U several (o) Feb 15
UK U Bristol combinatorics expired Eva-Maria Feichtner, Dimitry Feichtner-Kozlov [160]
UK Cambridge analysis (t) Jan 15
UK Cambridge (a) appl/comp anal (u) Jan 15 Thomas Laurent
UK Durham U stat Mar 19
UK U Edinburgh alg/rep th (t) Nov 27 Susan Sierra
UK London School of Econ math Jan 18
UK U Edinburgh appl/comp Jan 29
UK U Kent stat Feb 11

Temporary positions

Country Institution Areas Apply by Short lists and offers
Brazil IMPA all (2 year postdoc) Mar 31
France Paris/Strasbourg* Tropical/cluster alg Jan 31
Luxemberg Univ. Luxemberg two year postdoc in noncommutative harmonic analysis April 30
Spain UPC, Barcelona,(2-3) two year postdoc Link to the email message containing help on Language
Spain "Programa Juan de la Cierva" 3 years research position Mar 4
Spain Programa Ramon y Cajal 5 years research position Mar 2 Link to the email message with contacts in UCP
Switzerland ETH Zurich (postdocs) Nov 21 rejections
Switzerland U Zurich pure (lectureship) Nov 15 Paul-James White, Thomas Schmidt, Amin Gholampour, Philipp Habegger, Cagri Karakurt, Laura Valentina Spinolo, Jonatan Lennels, Walter Rusin
Switzerland U Zurich pure (postdocs) Nov 15
Switzerland U Zurich applied (lectureship) Nov 15
UK Imperial College London all Dec 15
UK U Warwick number theory Dec 10
UK U Warwick geom anal Dec 7 Guoyi Xu

Mathematics jobs sites

This section is for web sites that are specific to mathematics employment. Do not list sites with general employment assistance or solicitations.

Other disciplines